Spider-Man: Homecoming

I just wonder if this is going to tie into the other NYC superheros like DareDevil and the like? I mean a passing mention of "that new guy,the one who wears loud colors and has a spider on his outfit" wouldn't surprise me.
Aka box office insurance, the premium being RDJ's hefty contract. I haven't seen CW yet but it does sound like Stark has the closest connection to Parker among the Avengers, so this doesn't feel too forced.

thats kind of what I was thinking, that it was a safe move from Marvel. Not too sure how I feel about that, and that Michael Keaton left.
Set photos of the suit, looks more or less unchanged from CW. Expect the suit to be enhanced in post production.





If I remember correctly, the lines on the blues were definitely not like this in CW. They were extremely subtle, and you'd only notice them when they reflect from the lighting. Plus the shade of blue on this suit is much lighter than in CW, or maybe at least to my eyes
They'll probably tone down the lines in post production, along with enhancing other parts of the suit and mask. Remember that for CW, they did not use a practical suit for filming (one was built for a stuntman but never filmed), all of the Spidey shots in the airport fight were CGI. The lack of a face shell is likely for scenes where they need Holland speaking in the mask. I recall an interview where someone was saying they wanted the lower mask to move when Parker was speaking. I presume the stunt doubles will probably wear a face shell.
As cool as the raised webbing looked in the prior movies, I always wished they would stick to the webbing pattern being part of the fabric like in the comics instead of being an additional layer.

So last year when Kevin Feige said they were going with a classic look, I knew I was going to get my wish.

With the exception of the additional black stripes, the costume is quite faithful to the comic look. The blue is more bright than the prior costumes and I think the additonal dark blue lines will be toned down in post.
Really looking forward to this reboot/solo movie.Let's hope the writers' heads will be facing the same way for a little while longer this time.
Did they confirm that Keaton will be the Vulture? I don't think they'll be that unimaginative.
If he was Doc Oc they can have him courting aunt May.

It's not going to happen but a really nice surprise would be an appearance, at least, of Vincent D'onofrio as Kingpin.
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