Spider-man Disney/Sony deal over? New Deal achieved for Spidey 3 & involvement in Marvel MCU

If I'm not mistaken, all the Sinister Six, which would include a large portion of the Spidey villains at one point or another.

I'm not too sure about a character like Kingpin, who was in the Netflix shows, but also appeared in the SpiderVerse film. Not sure if he's kinda neutral in the deals or what.
Chameleon, Scorpion and Kraven (who seems to be favored by some in Sony for an upcoming movie based on the mike zeck series from the 90s). The hobgoblin would be interesting although Sam Raimi featured a quasi version in his third movie who looked like a flying snowboarder. I’m guessing Ned in the current movies won’t play the hobgoblin, if he were to appear.
Although I also wonder which characters are under the Sony deal, as Kingpin and The Punisher both made their debuts in the amazing spider-man comics.

Edit. The black cat persona hasn’t shown up in the movies yet, as only her civilian alter ego has. So she’s another potential villain. There are plenty of other villains available. On a separate note, it was nice to see a lesser-known enemy in Homecoming: The Shocker.

So what I was wondering is who's left to face Spidey outside the MCU?
Venom and Morbius for starters, but what other villains are Sony-registered?
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Chameleon, Scorpion and Kraven (who seems to be favored by some in Sony for an upcoming movie based on the mike zeck series from the 90s). The hobgoblin would be interesting although Sam Raimi featured a quasi version in his third movie who looked like a flying snowboarder. I’m guessing Ned in the current movies won’t play the hobgoblin, if he were to appear.
Although I also wonder which characters are under the Sony deal, as Kingpin and The Punisher both made their debuts in the amazing spider-man comics.

Edit. The black cat persona hasn’t shown up in the movies yet, as only her civilian alter ego has. So she’s another potential villain. There are plenty of other villains available. On a separate note, it was nice to see a lesser-known enemy in Homecoming: The Shocker.

If you look up 'CFX imp mask' on google, I'd say that's a pretty scary ánd realistic appearance for a Hobgoblin.No ski suit needed this time.Sony, please go for something similar to the comic book appearance this time.Don't screw this up.

I was looking forward to seeing the Scorpion introduced, as well as the Sinister Six with Mysterio,so I hope that's still happening.We never go to see the end of the Rhino fight, so I had my hopes up for that one as well.

How about the Beetle? The Tinkerer is already there, and according to the comics he stole Iron Man tech to make the Beetle's suit; sounds like a shoo-in to me.Perhaps assemble the Deadly Foes of Spider-man (Limited Series in the comics at the time) since we already 'have' Hydro-man?

The Shocker can be an asset, but just like any other villain it needs to be done right.Don't be cheap and give him just one gauntlet 'and something yellow to wear'.Make it a full costume at least, with a yellow ski mask for crying out loud.Last time I checked those were pretty realistic.Bank robbers use 'em.Passing on a gautlet from a dead guy to a living henchman doesn't 'make' someone the Shocker like they suggested in Homecoming.A villain is not his/her weapon, nor is it a biochemical experiment like in the Garfield franchise.it's a character with a story and a life prior to what 'made' them a villain.Sony, Please honor that and cut back on the artistic license.

In any case I hope to see a lean, mean interpretation of the Kingpin.Perhaps Nathan Jones from Jet Li's 'Fearless' ?
He's tall, bald, muscular and has a Wrestling background in real life,which happens to be the Kingpin's style of martial arts.
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Nice choices! I like The Beetle, but is he originally a spider-man foe or Daredevil? I initially thought he debuted in Daredevil, but rethinking it, I think you’re right that he started out in Spider-man and probably under the Ditko issues.

If you look up 'CFX imp mask' on google, I'd say that's a pretty scary ánd realistic appearance for a Hobgoblin.No ski suit needed this time.Sony, please go for something similar to the comic book appearance this time.Don't screw this up.

I was looking forward to seeing the Scorpion introduced, as well as the Sinister Six with Mysterio,so I hope that's still happening.We never go to see the end of the Rhino fight, so I had my hopes up for that one as well.

How about the Beetle? The Tinkerer is already there, and according to the comics he stole Iron Man tech to make the Beetle's suit; sounds like a shoo-in to me.Perhaps assemble the Deadly Foes of Spider-man (Limited Series in the comics at the time) since we already 'have' Hydro-man?

The Shocker can be an asset, but just like any other villain it needs to be done right.Don't be cheap and give him just one gauntlet 'and something yellow to wear'.Make it a full costume at least, with a yellow ski mask for crying out loud.Last time I checked those were pretty realistic.Bank robbers use 'em.Passing on a gautlet from a dead guy to a living henchman doesn't 'make' someone the Shocker like they suggested in Homecoming.A villain is not his/her weapon, nor is it a biochemical experiment like in the Garfield franchise.it's a character with a story and a life prior to what 'made' them a villain.Sony, Please honor that and cut back on the artistic license.

In any case I hope to see a lean, mean interpretation of the Kingpin.Perhaps Nathan Jones from Jet Li's 'Fearless' ?
He's tall, bald, muscular and has a Wrestling background in real life,which happens to be the Kingpin's style of martial arts.

The truth is that it's all about Sony's greed after all. The rumors about Disney/Marvel being the obstinate party was a complete smokescreen.

I have zero faith in the future Spider-Man under Sony.

Tom Rothman is the chairman of Sony Motion Pictures. According to the video, Rothman's track record when he was at Fox included: cancelling Firefly, insisting AvP be PG-13 on contemporary Earth, chased Bryan Singer from doing X-Men 3, mandated that Galactus be a purple cloud in Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer and micromanaged X-Men Origins Wolverine (including sewing up Deadpool's mouth). This guy doesn't even like comic book movies.

Venom was Sony's attempt to construct an architecture to support a Spider-Man franchise in anticipation of receiving him back from Marvel. I think that's fairly obvious. I think they're premature in making that leap based on the success of that one film. They're still a long way off from proving they can make their own MCU.

I agree with Midnight's Edge that Sony's negotiation tactics only demonstrated they wanted Spider-Man back. And, no doubt, it's all about greed. By this point nobody can doubt that Kevin Feige at Disney has always been driven by a love of the characters and having them realizing their potential. He's made huge financially counter-intuitive moves (e.g. clashing with penny-pinching Ike Perlmutter about casting RDJ in CA: Civil War for multi-millions) that paid off because of his understanding and love of the Marvel characters. On the other hand, Rothman historically doesn't even like superhero films and (I believe) only cares about squeezing every possible dollar out of this franchise before he wipes his ass with it. We have no reason to think otherwise.

My only hope is that the first couple of flops don't damage the character or actor beyond repair and that Sony/Rothman gets smart enough to return to negotiate with Disney to share rights again. You can credit Amy Pascal for fostering the initial union of Marvel and Sony to bring us back Spider-Man. But since she was replaced by Rothman it seems Sony's playbook has changed. Even Ike Perlmutter despised Rothman when he was still at Fox manhandling The X-Men and Fantastic Four. With all this ill-will, incompetence and sheer greed I think Sony/Rothman would prefer to run the character and franchise into the ground and gamble on the next reboot cycle for 100% profits than honor the current iteration of Spider-Man that was thoughtfully and lovingly restored by folks who know him best.

R.I.P. Spider-Man
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So it’s 100% confirmed, Holland is gone and marvel gave up trying to make a deal?!?
Holland is out of the MCU but Marvel has been trying to make the deal from the start.

Here's how I understand it.

Spider-Man in the MCU happened under Sony with Amy Pascal. Then the Sony email scandal forced her to step down. Unfortunately she was replaced by Tom Rothman who used to be with Fox and was responsible for such gems as Wolverine Origins (including the mouthless Deadpool), Galactus as a purple cloud, getting rid of Bryan Singer for X-3 etc.

I believe it's also because of his mistreatment of X-Men and FF properties Rothman wasn't very favored by folks at Marvel and frankly hated by Ike Perlmutter at least.

It's just crappy coincidence he should find himself at the helm of Sony at this point in time. All the news about Disney/Marvel being difficult was a smokescreen. Sony/Rothman never intended to let Spider-Man run with the MCU. I'm convinced that the way they handled it was a deliberate F-U from Rothman to the MCU.
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I seriously can’t believe they couldn’t make a deal...

Sony should realize with their past that they can’t do a Spider-Man film to save their life

Do you think the fans now knowing he won’t be involved in the MCU are going to go see any of their films?

Sony have you ever heard of the Star Wars: a solo story... yeah it went over real well with the fans...
Online protests and responses to the Sony statement weren't that flattering.
I sincerely hope all parties will reconsider another meeting, or a lot of fans are going to walk away.
I’m impressed at how incredibly gracious Kevin Feige has been in public about this. Tom Holland is a good actor but I can still see how gutted he feels underneath it all.
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