I dont need to work out i've been the right size and weight for spider man for years
but i want to be vader size oh well.
Spider ham did a damn fine suit great price too 1300. but he has quit the spider man biz i hear he is willing to work on more but you have to pay extra
Superman5 dose a accurate costume and has worked closey with some of the guys behind the spider man 2 costume.. but like i said he charges 2000 to 2500 but from what i seen if i had 2k laying around i would buy from him since spider ham is out of the game.
Spidey 4 fun dose a pretty good suit for pretty good price some where in the 500 buck range. Now this dosent come with the urathen webbing that is somthing you will have to do yourself. He was also woking on a suit where the webing was painted on the costume last time i talked to him. He also dose put the urathen webbing on the costume if you ask him i am sure (or save money and do it yourself) i saw he put one up on ebay and it pulled in over 1500 last i saw a mounth or so ago. After i finish one of my 2 vader suits and try and get the funds for a trooper armor or clone... Then i will be working on my spider man costume i had to put off for over almost 2 years :eek time flys when your borke.
If you need anymore info PM me
Oh yeah i forgot the Superman5 also comes with a face shell
But you have to get a muscle suit I know your working out but they used one even in the flims
if you need more info on that i'm here =)~