SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO 2202 1/350 Japanese Weekly Magazine

I just got a notice for #114. I have a feeling they got the first five just in the last day or three and are now processing them -- only in reverse order.

I was billed for #115 yesterday and #114 today. I received a reply to my email to HLJ this morning, looks like it's going to be wait and see at the moment.

Thank you for your email, and for your orders from HobbyLink Japan.

Firstly we apologize for the confusion caused.

The availability of these Yamato Weekly Magazines has been pushed back. As of this moment, we have not been given further details, only that our supplier is aware of your orders and that as soon as the magazines arrive in stock at our warehouse, orders will be filled chronologically.

We apologize for the continued delay and thank you very much for your understanding.
That's what scares me with these subscription type of deals. I would much rather pay for the whole thing at get it all at once instead of being left hanging and unable to finish it
That's what scares me with these subscription type of deals. I would much rather pay for the whole thing at get it all at once instead of being left hanging and unable to finish it

I've been lucky so far, the only one I had real problems with was the Eaglemoss BTTF Delorean, I ended up filling in issues and finishing it buying my parts from Amazon Japan. It would take something pretty special as a parts build for me to ever do business with Eaglemoss again.
So #s 113, 114, 115, and 116 are now all chillin' in my "personal warehouse" at HLJ. I'm holding off on having them ship until we know the fates of 111 and 112. I'm assuming you haven't gotten any further word from them, either?
So #s 113, 114, 115, and 116 are now all chillin' in my "personal warehouse" at HLJ. I'm holding off on having them ship until we know the fates of 111 and 112. I'm assuming you haven't gotten any further word from them, either?

I'm exactly where you are with no word on #111 and 112. I figured it would just keep going once they started filling in the back issues but no luck.
I've reached out to HLJ again in regard to issues #111 and 112, I would have thought they would have caught up by now. I was billed for #117 today but the whole thing is worthless without those first two issues. I'm getting a little nervous on this one, Hachette doesn't have a great track record with back issues.

Update: I heard back from them with similar answer to last time "our supplier is aware that there are orders for these issues, as soon as the magazines arrive in stock at our warehouse, orders will be filled chronologically." Is it weird that they never mention Hachette by name? Are they getting these from a third party?
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I went ahead and had #s 113, 114, and 115 mailed to me to clear a little space out of my virtual warehouse. I had wanted to have them shipped in blocks of five, but, obviously, we're still waiting on #s 111 and 112. Were you having everything sent immediately to you, or were you doing the warehouse thing, too? I'll gladly post what comes in each, unless you already have them en route.

UPDATE: I apparently played my "summon missing installments" card. Just got the notification #s 111 and 112 are in and paid for.
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I went ahead and had #s 113, 114, and 115 mailed to me to clear a little space out of my virtual warehouse. I had wanted to have them shipped in blocks of five, but, obviously, we're still waiting on #s 111 and 112. Were you having everything sent immediately to you, or were you doing the warehouse thing, too? I'll gladly post what comes in each, unless you already have them en route.

UPDATE: I apparently played my "summon missing installments" card. Just got the notification #s 111 and 112 are in and paid for.

Your "summon missing installments" worked! I was just billed for #111 and #112. Time to move some parts home, shouldn't be any problems going forward.
Has anyone started their Andromeda build? I've just been letting the parts start to pile up, not sure whenI'll start it.
I have the first batch of five kits en route (opted for the cheapest shipping -- I'm in no hurry), and just cleared the second batch of five out of my virtual warehouse. Nothing in-hand yet.
I have the first batch of five kits en route (opted for the cheapest shipping -- I'm in no hurry), and just cleared the second batch of five out of my virtual warehouse. Nothing in-hand yet.

I have the first 10 issues in hand but I'm in no hurry to get started on it.
Short update. Since I'm having them shipped in batches of five... The first five just showed up today. The next ten are still in transit. I've got 126 and 127 in my private warehouse, and figure I'll be ready to have through 130 shipped by the end of the month. Then we'll be a third of the way in. I've gotten all the images of the bridge and any other interiors from both the original and "remastered" anime. I wish I could find better archives of Matsumoto's original sketches. I've found a lot of the stuff for the new series, but it's mostly for the Yamato and the fighters, with some for the Gamilas ships... and a frustrating smattering of EDF ships.

I have a lot of notions from studying the videos of the model until my eyes hurt. I'm definitely going to paint it (which also involves filling any seams they couldn't engineer around). Gojira, I don't know if you ever found anything on the turret motors that I could use to source some. Failing that, you said you got extras... Might you be willing to loan me a large and small one for me to take into my local HobbyTown to see if they can get me something like them, and then I'll send 'em back?

Besides at least a bridge interior, I definitely want to re-do the wave-motion guns and lighting circuits. I'd love to program in sequences for the turrets, too, but don't know if there's anywhere on the web that has the code from the Yamato kit for those. If there's room inside, I want to replace the WMG apertures with working irises (with prefire chambers behind them) and get rid of all the random blinky effects seen in the video. May replace some of the LEDs with warmer spectra for the room lights. It'll be tricky from what I'm seeing of how the components work, but if I'm putting this much time and effort into a showpiece such as this, I don't want to half-ass it.
Been having other Yamato thoughts. I got one of the Cosmo Falcon kits to paint up as a Black Tiger. And I was thinking about the wave-motion gun, in the Andromeda, in the Yamato... I was remembering the original Japanese dialogue in the original anime. I was thinking about the borrowed words for which there obviously wasn't a Japanese equivalent. "Target scope open" in Japanese is "taagetto sukopu open". But I was thinking about Wildstar/Kodai's line when he pulls the trigger of, "Yamato... HASSHA!", which translates, basically, to "firing the Yamato". He has helm control, is basically aiming the ship.

Got me thinking about some deep stuff, like why the Yamato is the Yamato -- historically and in the anime. The Yamato clan, in Japan's high medieval period, came to be respected pretty much as the epitome of Japaneseness. They became the ideal other samurai strove to emulate. I don't know how common it is in contemporary parlance over there, but for well over a century, someone who was really living the ideal would be described as "possessing Yamato spirit".

So when Japan was building their super-battleships in WWII, it was something of a no-brainer that they'd name the first as an embodiment of all that is perfectly Japanese. (And the second after their greatest mytho-historical warrior philosopher.) So not only was it a huge morale blow when that ship was sunk, but that is 273% the reason Matsumoto chose it for the hero ship of the series. When the Yamato makes it out of the latest Gamilas assault by the skin of its teeth, that's the Japanese soul triumphing over those who would keep it down. There's a whole lot of nationalist gambatte! in the original anime.

And the wave-motion gun... I'll leave you with this quote for what it means in context, what took me years to understand why it gave me such chills:

He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it.
Reading through this thread again, I got inspired and decided to start collecting issues for the Yamato. Admittedly my timing is terrible as I've bought all that was still available at HLJ, and now have to resort to eBay for the rest!, which is going to make this exotically expensive! Fortunately my wife doesn't ask questions on what I spend my "mad money" on, so she will never find out how much this is going to cost me! I wish I had a friend in Japan, Getting the issues would be so much easier!
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That... is massively unfortunate. :( I was looking forward to seeing your take on the build, as more and more installments rolled in and I saw what it is going to entail. I'm already working on functional brass irises for the WMGs -- there's enough room in that area -- but am still stymied on what to do about the static main turret guns. I am appreciative of the "pre-painted" approach, but that means more fiddliness down the road. It's well engineered to hide most of the subassembly abutments, but those seams still aren't invisible. I am considering suuuuuuper-careful application of Bondo's Plastic Metal filler, and have further notions about hull plating treatments, based on the pictures of the completed demo model.

So it makes me sad that I won't have anyone on here to bounce back and forth with along that whole journey. Unless... Hey, Analyzer, wanna get in on this?
That... is massively unfortunate. :( I was looking forward to seeing your take on the build, as more and more installments rolled in and I saw what it is going to entail. I'm already working on functional brass irises for the WMGs -- there's enough room in that area -- but am still stymied on what to do about the static main turret guns. I am appreciative of the "pre-painted" approach, but that means more fiddliness down the road. It's well engineered to hide most of the subassembly abutments, but those seams still aren't invisible. I am considering suuuuuuper-careful application of Bondo's Plastic Metal filler, and have further notions about hull plating treatments, based on the pictures of the completed demo model.

So it makes me sad that I won't have anyone on here to bounce back and forth with along that whole journey. Unless... Hey, Analyzer, wanna get in on this?

If I had the cash to spare I would already be in :lol:

I have had to reign it in a bit over the past couple of years