Sources for Jayne Cobb clothes/costumes....?


Sr Member
I probably missed this train a long time ago, but has anyone found out the details on Cobb's "standard" type outfit? I'm talking about the Firefly 2hr trailer's green army jacket with the 5 stars on the shoulders (and left shoulder patch), the khakis, boots, belt, belt pouches, holster, etc.

I may actually try and pull of a Cobb costume for Dragoncon this year (assuming I'm even going), and I was wondering where to start. The belt looks custom, because of the rivets, but I wasn't sure.

Thanks in advance. :)
ff the top of my head, I'd say the coat was military issue, probably an m-65 field jacket. I'd say same goes for the khaki's. This is just from memory, there might be a definitive answer somewhere, but for the quick and dirty look, surplus would work. Oh, and bump.
Thanks.:) I'll look for a jacket around my local army/navy places.

I try to avoid the more "specialized" forums. Too much to absorb.;) I finally joined BOTB yesterday, even though I've always been obsessed with Batman. I'm afraid to look around in there, though. :lol
Here's my Jacket hat and one of my Jayne shirts.


I like that you have the correct looking chest pockets. I gotta get me one of those.

Nice hat. I just had my own made, and I'm having a few more done for boardmembers.
Thanks. That's a german parka with the lining removed. i have long arms and this was the biggist size I could find. Jayne's coat has the lining still in it as far as I know.
as odd as it may sound, Wallmart had pretty accurate pants but this was maybe around the time of the Serenity movie.
Thanks :) , but they're a bit overpriced for me. Plus, I like the Firefly stuff a little more than the Serenity stuff.

Particularly the least military-looking stuff (non camo outfits, etc.).