So how should I rig up this desk top button pad? Pics


Sr Member
I am making a Star Trek inspired desk for my ready room project and I found something I'd like to include - but I was hoping to include you all on the RPF in it. Mostly because I am at a loss as to how to accomplish what I want.

I will be using a standard 120v wall-plug desk lamp. I want to hid the cord under the edge of the desk top and rout it through a switch mounted in a button pad on the desk top then to the wall.

I scrounged this little plastic doohickey and thought it'd make a nice small but interesting platform for my push button idea. My problem is in how to do the actual switch while maintaining a flat LCARS style button padd.

The inside dimensions (where the switch mechanism would be housed) measures out to about 15cm long, 3.5 CM wide, 2.5cm tall at an almost perfect 45 degree angle. Th power cord would come up and go back down through a slot cut in the table

Any thoughts?






could you somehow rig it to a touch sensitive switch? I know they make them, just not sure about how you'd do it. you could just have the diode expose so when you touch it, it turns on.
Or maybe experiment with a touch sensitive lamp. Get a small metal square and solder wires to it then the other ends to the lamp. Run the wires and metal into the display piece so that your conductivity goes through to the lamp.

Just some thoughts.
Wow, that's awesome. I was hoping for something far lower tech.

Like a small push button under a mechanical contraption hidden under the paper button sticker on the plastic doohickey. You know, like that guy with hair made on that show a while back. | GC ELECT 35-406