Smoothing Monster Makers clay

I just measured it with a tape measure.. It's a little over 14" from front of beak to back, and about 12" from cheek to cheek.
As said above, you really need to rake out the sculpture before going to it with solvents. The hills and valleys you've mentioned would be easily remedied by proper use of a rake. You can buy or make quite a few. I'd start with a jeweler saw and progressively work your way down to a guitar string. It will kill the hills and show you where to fill in the valleys.

Here are the three most commonly used rakes in my tool box for reference. IMAG0507.jpg
I've gotten it pretty smooth. The biggest issue is the really minor hills and valleys that are impossible to see up close, but are noticeable from a distance and can be felt with your hands. I fix one, which creates another one and so on, and so on.
I haven't worked with Monster before, but in my sculpting experience, tapping lumps lightly with the back of a metal or heavy plastic spoon does wonders. Don't slap it or hammer on it, just tap it like you would a tiny nail. Work carefully enough and you can usually get pretty close to what you're looking for. Anything remaining could probably be smoothed out with the mineral spirits.