Smallville Superman suit reveal!

My husband read an article that said it was, in fact, the returns costume. I'm looking forwad to digging into the season when it comes out on DVD. :D
It's been posted and discussed before in the Smallville thread.

It is the Returns suit, but they're using a different cape (all cloth).
I wasn't a big fan of the returns suit. First off.....TOO MANY SHIELDS!!! many times can you apply the superman shield?? (A trend that was carried on in the JJ Abrams Star Trek...the pattern on the uniforms were billions of deltas) Also, i think the actual (And what should have been the ONLY) shield was just too small.
His mother gave it him at the end of season 9 it was taken by jor el at the start of season 10 because he fort Clark wasn't ready yet
WHY that suit? Why why why? okay, I guess it may have made financial sense. That little mud flap S is horrible. I actually like Welling much more than Routh - and Smallville as a show at least tries to do some pretty daring stuff - bringing Aquaman to life, Justice Society, Doomsday -- the show should have made something of it's own and not connected itself to Returns.

And Don't forget kids - always keep your Superman suit refrigerated.
Yeah, this is the same suit they've been showing all season, ain't it? It won't be news until we finally see Clark actually wearing the thing IMHO. We've seen that for months now.
I like the suit just think they should have there own design suit for then show not someone else's .
So anyone suspecious of something.....we know the cape was supposed to be different(they used both a Returns cape and a Reeve cape) BUT why did they use different shields? Was there supposed to be a custom suit but they ran out of time, money or gave in to whiney actors? Here is a screencap from S10 Premiere Lazarus where Clark's mom sends him the suit(Returns shield and Reeve cape):

Here is the suit in ice in the Finale(with Returns shield and Reeve cape):

Here is the suit that Pa Kent hands to Clark(with ? shield and Returns cape):

That last one has a different shield than the Returns one....did they perhaps mean to make Welling a custom suit and never did but they did have a shield make? Very odd........
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Very odd indeed. I see what you mean. Two sperate capes and shields mix-matched to the other. Looks like sloppy costuming to me.
Looks like others weren't fans of the diamond pattern aa well. I bet tgey resculpted the S to escape that
The large S shield was also a returns suit. It was one never seen in the movie but one of over 100 they made. Which cost the studio upwards of 10 million. Because the same studio was doing smallville(partly backing anyway) they used a couple of the suits. They never made their own suit early on and used the returns suits because Tom said he would NEVER wear it, and was in his contract for the show. It's why he turned it down (the show) multiple times when offered. And why he turned down not only returns but the first batman/superman project and the man of steel(though the MOS was never offered he declined to take calls about it). So the show thought why spend money on the suit when we have millions of dollars of them laying around, most that where never screen used. Eventually when it became clear they needed one to close the show they played around with cloth capes because of the episode were they filmed the movie at the farm and Clark was given a cape as a gift. There returns cape looked nothing like it. So they went with another(and though it may look like a reeves cape I was told it was from a DC trophy room LE replica prop. Though I wasn't on set to know for sure

I wonder what he had against wearing the suit.

I like to think that he refused to wear the suit because Smallville was about Clark Kent and his journey to become Superman. Once he put on the suit, the journey was over.
Yeah, but everyone knew it would be pretty much the last scene of the show, so why not then, instead of some CGI Superman?