SL ANH Vader Helmet


Sr Member
It's been a while since I got this so I thought I'd share some more recent photos of this Vader helmet from my collection...



Did you ever have this helmet molded?

I was curious to see it all decked out with lenses, tusks, grills, paint, and in color.
I know there are some that think otherwise but to me that is about the ultimate Vader casting. Thanks for sharing Thomas,

Beautiful helmet SL.... ya lucky bugger:thumbsup

I agree with Kev too, the B&W photo's do look great.


Is that a Sarge helmet?


No, that is the helmet SL scored from eBay (I believe) after a long, drawn out bidding war. It is rumored to have come from a LFL mold, I believe. Thomas (SithLord) can shed more light on the details if he feels like it. It is a might fine piece of Vader-in' though.
No, it's not a SgtFang. As nice as it is, the Fang doesn't hold a candle to this because this is a lot higher up the lineage tree towards the original.
Yes actually it was molded...when is someone going to finish their helmet? I can't finish mine unfortunately... :lol

Well I mentioned before a little bit about where the helmet is supposed to have come here's a bit more.
This particular helmet and mask casting was made at ILM in
1988, from very old molds, among the oldest, in the current LFL inventory. The molds themselves were reportedly taken from the screen-used Darth Vader helmet in 1977, and that is consistent with details seen on the screen helmet at that time. I hope to contact the person who made the molds at that time. Unlike what I had previously thought, the molds themselves were apparently made in the United Kingdom, and later sent to the USA. They were at one point temporarily housed at the Marin County Facility of ILM, at which time this pull was made. It is thought that the molds themselves were made during post-production of ANH(during pickups), but certainly before the promotional tour as there are signs of wear that the original helmet had that are consistent from the time during or after production, but not during the tour (from the time the suit went to Don Post Studios).
Incidentally, the so-called RPF ANH (or Darth Jones) Vader helmet, which has been known about for quite some time, is a younger (and fully finished) brother of the SL ANH as they both originated from the same mold.

Of course I should add that skepticism, criticism and questions are all I know I've made my fair share lately as well. :confused
I was just about to say that it looks comparable to the Darthjones helmet and mask, so thanks for confirming their relationship.
This and the Darthjones helmet are undoubtedly the finest ANH Vader's out there in my opinion. Just awesome to see!

Thanks for the additional pics Thomas.

Fantastic. Awe inspiring. One thing it really shows is how important dome position is to nailing the right ANH look. On that note, I'm off to reposition mine.
Thanks, Chris, coming from someone who has been collecting Vader for so long that means a lot to me. I'll mention again how much your Vader display was an inspiration for me... :thumbsup

Although the photos show the helmet more generally, one can also look at very fine details in comparison to high resolution photos of the screen ANH mask. For example, here is a small area of one of the teeth inside the mouth triangle, note the two little is really nice to discover details like this that I didn't appreciate before.

thanks for sharing those new shots with along with the linage you posted...

absolutly beautiful helmet, please keep posting pictures.

great score, Thomas! :love:thumbsup
It's a fantastic piece Thomas, thanks for posting those shots. I agree, it's the most accurate ANH casting out there, without doubt.
