Silicone P1 Suit Evolution. Pg41 Hands Video 19/07/13

the time frame reason with silicone paint has to due with the cure. For about 70 hours after mixed, silicone is still in a state of cure. Since the paint system is silicone based, the paint will become "integral" with your newly cast item if you paint it early. That being said, its not necessary. There are methods to seal in any paintjob you do. If your using psycho paint, just blast it in unpigmented  after you finish paint. if you do see some sort of delamenation ..or paint rub, you can seal the whole thing in diluted Silicone caulking ( GE silicone 1 clear ...which also works as a silicone adhesive) just thin out the caulking with naptha enough to pass through an airbush. Remember ..once you go this route though ..any touch up paint will have to be made from pigmented caulking as platinum silicone wont cure over it ( works the other way around though ) . Here's another fun trick ..if you want to "matte" your paint job after cure ..powder the piece with powdered sugar. it works better and is much cheaper then matting powder.

Lee  these pieces are fantastic. You are so close to being done i can taste it :)
Thanks, that's not really a good video with them being unpainted. there is a video of the suit and hand a few pages back which looks better as it is painted.

Silicone is VERY comfortable and way less restrictive than latex.

I will do another video of both hands when I get them painted hopefully next week.
Got a great Silicone right hand to work with now. took me 3 goes ( I so need to make hands for cores ) but I am very happy and tomorrow I hope to start painting it.
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Its not perfect but I am pretty happy with the seam, the best seam i had was the silicone head, I struggled to find the seam at 1st as I had no flashing lol.
It's been ages since i last looked in on your build Lee, to be honest i haven't been on the Lair for a long have come a long, long way buddy. the first every silicone Predator suit is going to rock the world. You are paving the way for the rest of the Lair. Love the vids cool stuff to work with.
silicone right predator hand, paint needs to finished off on the pale skin parts and fleshy palm tomorrow but then its ready for the matting powder.
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when it is finished I will take a video, ive just finished 7 shifts in a row and im beat, so its doubtful I will get it finished today, and I am out tomorrow. but I will have it done on sat and take a video for you all.
this is a big thread, lol, great build Lee, very inspring stuff, the sculpting and finish on all the various pieces is top knotch, well done 
well my apologies on the length.

hands matted, again I left some places to give the impression of beads of sweat.

I will try to finish them tomorrow night and post a video.
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