Sidkit Mal help

Jango Wes

Sr Member
Ok, I've started the prep on my Sidkit Mal. I'm using the sandpaper technique that Falcon Dude suggested and it's working great. However, here's my question: Blue Wonder comes in many different sizes. What size bottle will be enough? Will one 2 oz bottle be enough? I've read the 20 page build thread at length but I like the finish of the Wonder Blue. Lastly, in the build thread, the question of clear coating was touched on but never really answered. I'll be handlilng the pistol a good bit and I don't want the finish rubbing off. Has anyone actually clear coated theirs?

I asked the question a while back and the response I got was that you would have 1/2 of the 2 oz. bottle left after finishing the build.
Ok, I've started the prep on my Sidkit Mal. I'm using the sandpaper technique that Falcon Dude suggested and it's working great. However, here's my question: Blue Wonder comes in many different sizes. What size bottle will be enough? Will one 2 oz bottle be enough? I've read the 20 page build thread at length but I like the finish of the Wonder Blue. Lastly, in the build thread, the question of clear coating was touched on but never really answered. I'll be handlilng the pistol a good bit and I don't want the finish rubbing off. Has anyone actually clear coated theirs?


Do you have the link for the 20 page build? I didnt see it.
I wouldn't mind some advice on the clearcoat issue either.

Can you clearcoat over polish or gun oil, or shoud you steer clear of both of those?
Finish started to rub off on mine -- never tried the clear coat, but I guarantee that if you handle it a lot, the finish WILL start to come off.

If any info on the "clear coat" comes in, and it's positive, then it would be a god idea to clear coat it -- OR you can keep touching it up with the blue wonder or whatever you use to finish it.
Well, I went and bought the materials to start on it. What I'll probably do is blue and celarcoat part of the magazine that is hid inside the pistol to see how it holds up. I'm reluctant to try it out on the pistol as a whole until someone who has done it chimes in. I'd really like Falcon Dude to chime in on his build up since his is the look I'm going for.

I cant help you with the clear coating part bud. I never tried it because I didnt think it would work. Most paint wont stick to this kind of metal for too long without some kind of primer. To make matters worse, the developer that comes with the blue wonder kit is a kind of oil and I didnt think there was nay way Id be able to wash 100% of it off so I could clear coat.

Im not saying it will not work, Im saying these are the reasons I didnt try it. And, yes the blue rubs off pretty easily. You can even see it coming off the edges when you are wiping it with a silicone cloth.

The only way around it I could think of was sending it to be Brass plated and then chemically blackened like I did to BronsonBBs gun. But its nothing remotely close to cheap and it takes a long time. I sent BronsonBBs to the platers last year and according to them Its gonna be another 3 weeks till they get it done.
Hmmm, well, that doesn't bode well. I don't want to paint it but I don't want the bluing coming off either. I guess it's going to be a matter of touching it up after use. And that's gonna be a PITA. There has to be an inexpensive way to blue this thing and keep it that way.

I dunno. I thought about it for a long long time but wasnt able to come up with anything. From What I understand, the problem is not actually the bluing coming off the metal, its that the metal is so soft that an actual fine layer of the metal is being rubbed off.