Shadow Dale RG costume - updated 12/26


New Member
Has anyone heard from SD in the past few weeks? I ordered a RG suit from them in May and they said it would be ready in September. I sent them multiple emails once October came with no response.

After sending SD a pm they said soon (due to an illness), but its been 2 weeks since that and I still have no clue on the status of my costume (whether its been started or not).

Anyone have any insight on this?? :confused
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Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

ive heard several complaints about them doing this to customers ,i would go directly to there web site and see if they have a phone number in there contact info.i know they go by the name generalmayhem on the web site here.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

no phone number that i saw just the email address the i sent 3 emails to with no response and that was a month ago

at this point i just want my money back because I've started on other things :cry
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

That's horrible Bippy - Any update on this?

I know you were REALLY looking foward to that event at the Air and Space Mueseum tomorrow night. It's the biggest [501st / RL] event in Virginia this year...

Like optimus said - i've heard of this happening on more than one occasion to more than one member on here... :unsure

That's too bad...
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

jeez, its like every other month or so, someone posts about not getting in time a item from SD or some other issue with them. .:unsure :thumbsdown Time to stop buying.......
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

:thumbsdown Deja Vu

I find most people who have problems end up being too nice - I think partially through fear of being totally done over if they kick up too much of a stink or say soemthing too strongly.

They need to sort themselvess out - theres too often bad deals going down with them.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Well the work they do is really quite outstanding. I think that since their products are so good, they have fallen victim to overwhelming demand which is now having an impact. My stuff was promised for Halloween after 1 previous missed deadline. Im hopeful, I know they are working on so much these days.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Sorry but that's a lame excuse if they can't cope with demand they shouldn't take orders or they should give a realistic estimate on delivery times.
Thing is though if they told you that your order is going to take 8 months to complete chances are many people would go looking elsewhere,so they aren't likely to tell you 8 months are they because they want your money.
Like others have said these issues with delays keep cropping up and the excuses are always the same illness,materials supplier,backorders.
And it would seem that till someone posts on here about the problem they just keep getting the brush off.

The long and short of it seems is,if you want good quality stuff then give them your business but only if you don't mind getting a cr***y service and having to keep chasing up your order.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

I sent them a PM about my order yesterday. I also shot them a couple of emails from work on Friday, but one bounced back due to our whacky fire walling. Hopefully I will hear something soon.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume


Recieved an email. Not surprisingly they are a bit busy with this time of the year.

My order for a trek 5 assault uniform doesnt look like its going to make it for Halloween or an upcoming con. This was part of a multi item order that was placed in March. 1 of the items was recieved in the summer time, 2 pair of uniform pants in September, and I am still waiting on this. Now, the items that have been recieved are of excellent quality for sure. The pair of uniform pants I recieved were incorrectly sized due to my own error, and they are kindly redoing. Fabulous so far. The only hiccup has been this assault uniform that I am getting a tad worried about. I am ok with long lead times, its just missed deadlines that are frustrating.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Wow, and you've been waiting since March! That's horrible service, if you ask me...

I'd think twice from ordering from Shadow Dale from what I am reading... :unsure
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

like I said. The quality is very very good. Their customer service was very very good, up until now.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

I've been waiting since Feb. for a TOS Scotty tunic, promised in May. I have no hot deadline to meet, luckily, and I am sure I will get an outstanding item in the end, but the delays are a bit frustrating.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Its also not typical for them not to respond to these posts. Like I said, generally great product, just the missed delays that seem to be frustrating.

I surely dont want to get in a shouting match at all, just a constructive discussion with them.