Shadow Dale RG costume - updated 12/26

Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Could everyone who's owed something from SD please PM me. If you could include description, price and payment date, that would be great. Shadow Dale, PM me please with progress and delivery dates, if not, I'll PM you. I'd like to try and resolve this for the members and get them their costumes, thanks.

My apologies for missing this thread in the past.


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Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

PM on its way

I also recieved an email stating that 2 out of 3 items I am waiting on would be done by the end of the week.
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Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

I understand that SD doesn't want to jump here for fesr of getting dogpiled, but this silence is not looking good. Just one thread with everyone's name and it's current progress would suffice. The fact that they won't make that public knowledge bothers me. :unsure
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Thanks for the PMs, I'll wait another couple of days to receive them all, I'm pretty sure there are still some to come.

I've had a PM from SD, almost immediately after my request, asking for me to send on all info on outstanding costumes in this thread and they'll give me a progress report and dates on all of the items. A VERY good sign indeed, however, I did think that would be the case.

I understand everyone's frustration in this thread, that's why I thought I'd step in as a mediator, hopefully we get this resolved quickly :)


Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

I also recieved an email stating that 2 out of 3 items I am waiting on would be done by the end of the week.

Hope that's True Peter, I got an email last week telling me something very similar ( last week they told me I'd have my traacking number at the end of the week)... but they once again dropped the ball. I filed a complaint to get my money back and got a quick email saying

"I wanted you to receive this message and will be sending the consequent shipping information when it goes out so that they know this matter has been resolved."

So far, still no tracking number. The real problem is just the fact of waiting for 10 months for something and being let down over and over by false delivery promises.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

As this and similar threads continually popping up at regular intervals shows,clearly the message doesn't register with everyone.

I don't mean to be rude but does nobody do their homework before spending money ?
Don't get me wrong i've been at the smelly end of the stick on some deals in the past from people but i always ask about someone or search about on forums like this before parting with any substantial money,sometimes you dont hear nothing so take a punt but there are several threads about the poor service from SDC on this site alone.
A few seconds on the search function saves months of grief.

Excellent point. This thread is almost a "fill-in-the-blank" form for slack assed vendor threads.
I don't know how you guys pay these people but if they don't accept Credit Cards or Paypal (credit card option) then chances of recovery of funds without exhaustive undertaking is pretty crappy.

If you are going to pay hundred of dollars to someone for a custom order for God's Sake get phone number and make contact prior to sending the money.

I've listed a number of guidelines for transactions.

Maybe another should be "The Tenfold Guideline" When you are having problems with a transaction from a vendor immediately figure you are not alone. Apply the tenfold rule. Figure ten other people are in the same place you are. Help them out by being the first to come forward and make an inquiry.

There are a half dozen people on the RPF with issues with SD, figure there are probably 50-60 other people headed down the same path.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

I think part of the problem is that several people put in orders many months ago, before there were problems being reported. If anyone has put in an order in the past ~2 months then yes those people did not do their homework. When I put in my order (Sept 06) I did check around and was told by people I trust that SDC are slow but make great stuff.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Hey folks,

Well, I have all the PMs (I assume) and I thank you very much.

In the next 24-48 hours I'll be collating them and sending off a PM to SD, I'll also post it here, minus prices paid, that is confidential information between the purchaser and seller.

Please remember, I'm only acting as a mediator, however, I do hope this works out well for everyone.


Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

I was just thinking about placing a order with these guys for a Snowtrooper Duster and Royal Guard Robe. Maybe I wait awhile…..
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Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

FYI...recieved an email that 2 things will be finished up for me by Saturday. One required additional re-dye work, which is excellent that they went through the trouble to make it right rather than just call it close enough to get an order off the table. Seems very positive.
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Well, it will be very interesting if you get all of your order prior to me getting mine. I hope you do get your items. I think they are actually putting my order to the side (since I've become a trouble maker by telling the truth). If you do it is proof positive that they are making false claims on their website about how they work their items.

Seems they are holding grudges against people who tell the truth about what has happened with their orders.

Still no tracking info as of Friday the 16th, which they promised I'd have a tracking number 2 weeks ago.... bummer....
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Garver, have you re-emailed them?

Nope.... figured I've made them mad enough already about all this. I was just gonna let the mod here do his thing, and if any progress is made SDC would certainly contact me. The have always prided themselves on their customer service, so I'm certain an email will come my way if my items ever ship.

I've also gotten very tired of sending them emails asking what's going on and getting the same answer.... actually the same answer they probably give most people. "we are sick, you'll get your items very soon". That sound familiar to anyone else? Thought so :p
Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Just an update,

DarthKahnt has jumped on board to help too, so the list that is going to SD is currently being reviewed by him to see if he has anything to add.

Let me just say though, that SD is stepping up to the plate on this and have already completed an order that was on the list.:thumbsup


Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

Just an update,

Let me just say though, that SD is stepping up to the plate on this and have already completed an order that was on the list.:thumbsup

I do know they have ALWAYS tried to do right by their customers. In fact, as I mentioned, I effed up some initial measurements. Totally my fault and they were under no obligation to remake them unless I put in a completely new order. Well, we negotiated a happy medium and they are working on those remakes. That takes a lot and is very good in my book.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: Shadow Dale RG costume

if they stepped up to plate so to speak, there wouldnt be this many upset customers by not recieving their product in a timely fashion. How have they always done right by them?? Every other month someone posts about not recieving their product from sd.........not right at all.
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