Serenity: the Stickers

Mike J.

Master Member
I know there is at least one PDF of the labels from the Firefly crate out there on the net. There's also a font with some of the symbols...

But did we ever get anything like that from the movie?

They had to rebuild the entire ship set, and there are some interesting new warning labels in there...

<div class='quotetop'>(Sith Sheriff Brody @ May 21 2006, 08:05 PM) [snapback]1248361[/snapback]</div>
I know there is at least one PDF of the labels from the Firefly crate out there on the net. There's also a font with some of the symbols...

But did we ever get anything like that from the movie?

They had to rebuild the entire ship set, and there are some interesting new warning labels in there...



Joss kept the ship sets in storage, they were merely enhanced for the movie incarnation of the show.

God I miss that show now...

Really? I heard they were destroyed despite his protests.

Anyway, I'm planning a sort of 'active project' for the new decals.

I'll post caps, and graphically-inclined fellows will pick a decal and draw it up. Progress reports & brainstorming in this thread.

That's the idea, anyway.

Who's game?

<div class='quotetop'>(bbabich @ May 22 2006, 11:18 AM) [snapback]1248733[/snapback]</div>
Joss kept the ship sets in storage, they were merely enhanced for the movie incarnation of the show.

Um, no he didn't. Fox owned the set and they disassembled it when the show was cancelled. They had to rebuild the entire set at Universal. The few props that Fox didn't destroy they would only lease to Universal for an outrageous fee. In the end they all the props in Serenity are brand new, nothing from the original show appears in the film. It was cheaper to have them rebuild exactly than to only borrow them from Fox.

Fox = @#$%.
I will have to check the DVD again, I believe that is where I heard it...


Mike, the project sounds interesting. So are we looking for caps of specific stickers or just any good caps?

I went through the DVD yesterday and grabbed every decent sticker shot I could — but if you've got something unusual (behind the scenes, perhaps?) or nice quality, please share :)

I think I've done most of the gruntwork, though.

The stickers:

[attachmentid=8193] This thing pops up all over the place, in various sizes, too. Anybody know what this says?

[attachmentid=8194] Also shows up frequently. Looks like a skull & crossbones, some big Arabic word, and some small Japanese / Chinese underneath.

[attachmentid=8195] The big text in the red part looks to be the same as the 'Tibetan' marking on the new mule. No idea what the rest of it is, though.

[attachmentid=8196] This is on the outside of the chamber they lock River in. There are similar markings on other doors. I'd swear this looks like Japanese.

[attachmentid=8197] I like this little guy, but all the tiny text is troublesome. Shows up in multiple spots.

[attachmentid=8198] This is on the bottom of one of Mr. Universe's big screens. Looks like the Alliance medical logo in the 'diamond'.

[attachmentid=8199] The primary one here is the yellow stripe on the bottom. Looks like it's got #1 in the center. Is the triangular one on the right one of the standard Klingon labels that's been floating around?

[attachmentid=8200] Looks like more Arabic, with an explosion on the bottom. This is inside the cargo bay doorway, seen when Simon is talking to Kaylee just before leaving the ship on Beaumonde.


One more thing — here's some Chinese filler text for you enterprising types (who want to get started):

Mike, you are on fire. Didnt get to play with them last night... now I am at the day job messing with spreadsheets :(




Feeling better? ;)

Mike, I came up with something ever so slightly different for #3.


I think the lightening bolt should be one with an arrow on the bottom and you need a black outline around the whole thing. :)

Nice work so far.
Wasn't sure what to put behind it since leaving it white would have interfered with the white letters. I can change it to anything you need.

Looks good. I was leery of drawing that Japanese...

Tweaked this:


And did this:

