Sean Bradley's ODST + Backpack Build

ITS PURE BEAUTY! I'm truly inspired by your work man!!!!!!

Likewise Devin, your recent work is really phenomenal too! Thanks!

and Vos! It's great to hear from you, I still drool over the gorgeous CQB armor you made... it was truly an inspiration. great to know you're still at it!
i have to say, your photos and detailed instructions on how you made this create one of the best looking tutorials i have seen for making casts and molding to get a professional looking piece. Thanks for the great information and PLEASE keep up the amazing work!! :thumbsup
Sean Bradley:
@ SeanB13: I use just straight up hardware store Plaster of Paris for waste molds. Something like Hydrocal or Hydrostone would be more difficult to remove. Rigid moldmaking is usually a rough process for models unless you're unbelivably thorough with your design of parting lines and undercuts. I've molded plastic skulls in plaster and it took at least 10 interlocking parts. Still, for clay it's almost guaranteed that you'll lose the original in the process.. rubber moldmaking is far less invasive.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, Sean.​
I love stuff that is looks great and accurate and functional to top it off, great job. Your work is consistently excellent.:thumbsup
As someone new to the art of prop-making, I found this thread to be incredibly informative.

Over the last week I've watched 30-40 tutorials on mold-making, most of which assume that the viewer has some level of familiarity with either the process or the materials used, often skipping over minor steps and key phrases that beginners NEED to know.

Your description of the process and the accompanying photos were easy to follow, and your reasoning, ie.

To prep the pieces for reproduction, I had a choice to make between hard-coating the foam forms, or molding the parts and casting them in a more durable material. If I were only making a single backpack, and it didn't need to be hollow for functionality, or if the goal was to be a silicone mold, I could have just hard coated the foam. The hardening process could lose some detail that was carved, but it could be sanded and re-defined with more surfacing work. I wasn't totally confident how the hard coated foam would stand up to vacuum forming, so I decided to mold and recast the backpack parts in a more durable material.

Since I only needed a single cast of each part, I opted to make simple plaster waste molds. invaluable to beginners who truly don't understand which materials to use or the reasons to do so.

So, as someone new to the field I'd like to thank you for taking the time and effort to describe your methods, I learned quite a bit.

The end result is amazing, a fantastic piece. I've seen a fair amount of ODST costumes, the backpack is a frequently forgotten element.

Outstanding work.
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That is very flatering, thank you very much. I try to put some extra effort into writing detail rich build threads for that very reason. I like to share my techniques and to hear what others have to say. I've learned so much of what I know from the online community, I make it a priority to give back.

@ Volpin: Thanks so much! It helps to have other great costume/prop artists such as yourself to inspire. Thanks you for setting the bar higher and sharing as much as you do. To answer, my vac table is 24" x 36" but well large enough for anything I have had to do so far! :)

If anyone has any further questions just let me know. I have started a run of these but the thread is buried in the classifieds here.Thanks!
You sir are a hero! that is some of the best work I've seen. are you actually Hephaestus is disguise?
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