Scratch built proton pack WIP : Update 03.09.10 , DONE !


Sr Member
Well it's that time again,when I throw sanity out the window to complete another scratch built proton pack, why build another ?

..... I have no idea, i have a perfectly good vacuform shell sitting in the corner atm, why not start with that you ask ? Well plain and simple, I started this one first, so there : P

Actually mostly because the vacuform will be my video game pack, complete with everything, which will be unveiled at Dragoncon this Sept.

This pack will actually be my work pack for when the Palmcoast Busters have our gigs, and its first outing will be at Megacon in March .So this new pack will mix and match some fun little details from both the GB1 and 2 packs,as well as some RGB elements. what might that mean ? will have to wait and see ; )

As for the build itself, i learned a lot from my first build, and so we begin.

First , let's take a look at the first pack, made from plywood ( not a good idea ) I used mostly resin parts ( not that there is anything wrong with that, they look great ) but if I have a choice of metal over resin, i will go with metal. spacer plates and sync circles are foamboard, any tubes you see are pvc
this will be a ref of sorts so we can compare the old and the new.



now onto what I have of the new, i had originally had most of these parts built, but I needed to still build the EDa and PPD parts ,as well as the cyclotron.

this pack is built from MDF ( 1/4 and 1/2 ), and will be sanded smooth using a belt sander and then coated in mod podge,sanded again and then primed.


Here we have the remaining parts being built and glued ( and my dinner )


Here is a rough assembly of all the parts, the sync still needs to be gutted as well as all the parts a final sanding before mod podging , and all that will take place this weekend.




updates tomorrow : )

questions, comments, concerns welcome
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Re: Here we go again....GB proton pack WIP

awesome awesome job

i love seeing the construction of a new unlicensed nuclear accelerator
Re: Here we go again....GB proton pack WIP

I love seeing these GB threads as well. What a cool toy:thumbsup
Re: Here we go again....GB proton pack WIP

That is sweet I got to try and build one of these! Where do you get the plans to build one of these bad boys.
Re: Here we go again....GB proton pack WIP

yeup, I'm using stefans for this pack, and the fist pack up top there was made using seans,

They all work great, it just depends on the build style you want
Re: Here we go again....GB proton pack WIP

You are using MDF board to build, is that lighter than the plywood used in your other pack or are you planning on using the MDF as a base to vacuumform?
Re: Here we go again....GB proton pack WIP

As far as lighter, I'm not sure, MDF is easier to work with as it's smmother with no wood grain and doesn't splinter like plywood when cut
Re: Here we go again....GB proton pack WIP

small update

All right here we are


You see what I have to work with here ? these tools are older than I am !


Alright ,well here is the work space I had today, good thing the weather held out, ( mostly thought I'm just showing off my new belt sander.... sexy huh ? )( you'll notice all the uncut parts in the background, that is the new trap that goes with this pack, the pieces have since been cut out and will be assembled with pics later this weekend )


alright all right on to the pack,everything on this pack has now been sanded as smooth as a babies bottom, and here we have the sync generator gutted and split into its separate parts to give you an idea on how It was constructed.of course as you know, cutting the sync gen like this,then gutting it allows for lightweight,sturdy frame that allows for the wiring to be run up into the gerabox.



More pics to follow on sunday ; )
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Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : small Fri Update

Well her we find ourselves on a very cold, very COLD , COLD............ KAAAHN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , ok got that out of my system, Sunday morning. Here we find a shot of the organized chaos


moving along, the cyclotron has had the ring holes cut out and sanded smooth


turns out I messed up the angle corner on the spacer so I had to carefully recut and shave small bits off 3 of the sync spacers so it would all line up properly when put together


I have glued the powercell to the EDA and PPD boxes,the gun mount has been glued and the ion arm and gearbox have been sealed with modpodge, next step on the line is to have the synch finished and glued then sealed, same with the rest of the components.

weekend plans are to cut the injector tubes and filler tubes cut and sanded, along with cutting out the n-filter in the cyclotron and prep the hga, then I get to do my fav part : / the fins.

here she stands so far, of course this is the part where my camera died and I switched to my camera phone.




We also have the new trap( using JT001 templates ) I am building to go along with he new pack





Thanks for looking, updates to follow....
Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : Update 01.12.10

Oy, so heavy.

Great work though, probably the best MDF build I've ever seen.

It's too cold out here to be working on it though. My pool has been frozen over the past few days.
Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : Update 01.12.10

little update for today: fins added,pretty much all parts cut, all thats left now is final detail sanding , then paint, then I mount... uhh the pack that is.. to the motherboard ; )



Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : Update 01.18.10

A pack and a trap at the same time! Impressive.

Looks smooth as metal. Great job.

Will you be using mdf for the motherboard too?
Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : Update 01.18.10

Ahh , adding a little bit of color to the portrait... to keep you entertained, while I make actual progress is some shots of the current state. Still waiting on a handful of parts, but no worries there.

This weekend will be dry mounting the synch and other parts to the motherboard so I can start spacing out the inside for electronics and such, and finishing some more cosmetic details.




Teaser on the trap for ya ; )


Here is the powercell/EDA/PPD


Here is what I used for the buttons on the PPD, I got them from Michaels craft store


And in case your wondering about all the extra parts needed to finish, here is a shot of my chaos....... lots a parts here, and lights and wires ,straps,meter, knobs,all kinds of fun stuff. This isn't even everything, I still have more parts on order and in the mail lol.


Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : Update 01.22.10

Here we are so far,

powercell lens installed, along with the speaker and soundboard ( in the EDA )

this first photo is of the top assembly



Here we have the finished trap pedal ( minus the foster quick connect )



motherboard and alice


dry fit assembly with real gear knob, straights and elbow, plus speaker




and last for today, the in progress bumper.....

Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : Update 02.11.10

hey man

Its Barker from Orlando, great looking pack. Love the vent cover blocking the speaker! very ingenious sir, very awesome

Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : Update 02.11.10

thanks Barker, and with the arrival of new metal parts today, this build will ramp up over the weekend ; )
Re: Here we go again....proton pack WIP : Update 02.11.10

sounds good sir. very very good. I myself am working on my game pack, referrbishing it and making it all pretty. Hopefully by megacon itll be complete
