Sci-Fi Models Snub-Nose PKD


Master Member
I keep seeing this on Ebay. Is this a recast of the Doppelganger Snub, or has Recastin' Rob just recast the idea?
At ASAP, he's said it's mastered from a Hartford and his masters. The grip area does look difffrent, and the kit looks like it's mainly vac-formed--no idea if that's a plus or negative. It could be legit, but given past history, who knows.

Would be nice if someone could do a side by side comparison and get a definite answer :unsure
Originally posted by Birdie@Jan 11 2006, 05:19 AM
I keep seeing this on Ebay. Is this a recast of the Doppelganger Snub, or has Recastin' Rob just recast the idea?
lol, no bias there. nosirree. Just an innocent question.
Looks to me like he used mostly hartford parts very modified, no LED package to speak of.

The odd thing is, Hartford is currently developing a stubby of thier own. Looks nothing like this though. Still, an odd bit of synergy.