Sale of Props Weapons Overseas?


Sr Member
I have a prop weapon I want to sell to someone in the UK and I'm in the USA, and if I sell it to someone in the UK, what impairments or rules and regs would I be facing. I do NOT want this held up by postal forces or subjected to scrutiny. I also don't want this wrecked during shipping.

Anyone have any advice or warnings.

Thanks in advance.
The nature of what is is (or originally was) will have a lot of bearing on how easy it will be to ship it to the UK.

If it's a resin piece, for example, as long as it's marked Star Wars blaster Toy or Toy laser or something similar, it should get through fine. But if it said 'Gun Prop' or words to that effect, it might raise a few eyebrows...

I've had items shipped to me from the US including resin blasters etc. and steel swords with no problem.

If it's a deactivated sterling or something similar, it'll probably be more complicated, but I've never tried that so don't know what's involved.

I suppose it all depends on what you are trying to ship.
What about if it is a real looking gun like the I, Robot pistol and it has metal parts on it (barrell, etc.)?

I've had plenty of prop weapons and replicas shipped here to me in the UK and never had a single problem.

I agree with obi1al, it mostly comes down to what it's described as on the customs form.
I've had swords, knives, deactivated guns and grenades and even a pair of constantine knuckles shipped here to me, I get them marked as 'Deactivated military collectable/paperweight' for the smaller items or 'Display sword/weapon replica' for the larger ones and have never had anything seized, but they usually get held for a couple of weeks and when they eventually do arrive the packaging will most likely be ripped to shreds and repacked in a delivery bag and the item messed about with a bit :lol

I spoke to customs here in the Uk on the same subject a few weeks ago when I was having some bits and pieces coming in to the country and wanted to make sure it all got here okay, I was told as long as it clearly states its a weapon and is intended for display or a personal collection and clearly looks like a weapon it should be no problem at all.
The only thing they have a problem with and will not entertain releasing is anything thats disguised as something else. Like a sword cane walking stick, or a bond style shoe-knife ..even if it states exactly what it is, they just wont allow it.

Hope that helps a little
I live in Italy, so this post could be not so helpful, but...
I have purchased a saber FX in the JY some time ago... well, our customs have BLOCKED it AFTER an inspection. A good advice is: write CLEARLY and BIG on the box, or on the decsiption label, what it is, and use capital letters.
I forget to mention I've also had Denix mausers and converted Denix's shipped here from the US too with no problem - always marked as 'Star Wars Laser replica' or something similar.