Rubnbuff on wood?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to make some wood, look like aluminum/steel. I have never used Rub-N-Buff. How good does that work on metal? Does it come off, or is it the same quality as paint?
It works great on resin, haven tried it on wood, I guess if the wood is smooth enough and you really rubbed it in it would work, just my guess
As long as the surface is smooth, it can be rub n' buffed! :thumbsup It basically is wax with a metallic tone added to it. I rub n' buffed my helmet and entire set of armor for my V1 Jango Fett and it had a great look to it, I recently upgraded to cold-cast armor to become screen accurate, otherwise I'd still have that same set of armor. But, yeah, it takes a little work to prep the surface working with finer and finer grades of sand paper, along with a choice of primer, for fiberglass I just went with Krylon Gray Primer. Hope that helps, I'll post some pictures tomorrow.

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Well, Sirjedi-
Rubnbuff is basically a wax type substance. If the wood is smooth enough and sealed, it will work. But--I usually use it to only hit highlights, and trying to make an entire object look like metal may not be too successful. There are metal effects paints you should try first. They have actual metal in the paint and can be given a patina and then sealed.--Wesman
R'n'B is used extensively to antique picture frames. It was practically made for this purpose.

Achieving the desired look will have a lot to do with preparing the surface. But wood is R'n'B's best mate.