Suggestion RPF Wiki - Is it needed?


Sr Member
So I was reading this post and started thinking that maybe we need a wiki to compile all of the knowledge here, both craft (skill & technique) and prop related. The angle of it should really be on building and sourcing/listing found objects/parts and not on Sideshow, MR or other licensed stuff.

If one exists, I apologize. Where is it? Should we link it from the top?

If not, I'd be happy to host & maintain it since I'm left wanting after closing my RPF photo host :confused:cry:lol.

Seriously, I think it might be a good place to compile info related to the hobby. Everything from wiper blades to gold chroming techniques; from vaccuforming to air brushing and MPPs to Clippard valves.

How should it work? What should (and should NOT) be included?

Discuss. ;) (Mods- sticky if you so desire)
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Definitely photo reference and known, found parts.

I think it could be broken down into props, models and set pieces.

And maybe a costume reference area, with pictures of costume details.

While I agree that a hobbyists/modelers corner would be a good idea for posting hints, tips and construction methods, it might get a bit unruly as there are as many ways of doing any one thing as there are hobbyists. Like, ask any 10 model builders the best way to assemble a model and you'll get 10 different answers.

This is a great idea. I already compile super detailed documents for much that I do, including master pics, breakdowns, and web addresses and false starts during the search process. It helps greatly in keeping track of where I am in finding stuff for something complex.
RPF needs a wiki.
While I agree that a hobbyists/modelers corner would be a good idea for posting hints, tips and construction methods, it might get a bit unruly as there are as many ways of doing any one thing as there are hobbyists. Like, ask any 10 model builders the best way to assemble a model and you'll get 10 different answers.


True, but I'd like to have those 10 methods compiled in one place to figure out which one works for my project, budget, and skills.

I'd forsee a "chroming" entry that would cover everything from rattle can sprays, to Alclad II, to actual chrome plating.
I think it's a great idea. The Dented Helmet has one that we set up not too long ago. It's a LOT of work populating it, but as it grows, it can be very very helpful.

I could see us having categories by franchise, sub-categories by film and topic under that.

So for example, there would be a Star Wars section. Under Star Wars you could either look by film or by category like "light saber". If the information was all cross-linked correctly it would be an insanely valuable reference.

And, there is a vBulletin extension in beta that ties it into MediaWiki for shared authentication.
This is a great idea. I already compile super detailed documents for much that I do, including master pics, breakdowns, and web addresses and false starts during the search process. It helps greatly in keeping track of where I am in finding stuff for something complex.
RPF needs a wiki.

Sweet! A vote from Adam, our resident celebrity prop geek, master builder and all around good guy.

I saw your video on the Maltese Falcon. The amount of research that was put into that project is amazing to me.
I think this is a great idea!

As a wiki the best form of organization will evolve naturally instead of having to decide on an format that will be outgrown quickly or be found too cumbersome.

It would be 'Parts of Star Wars' on steroids!

If done right it would be a lot of fun to surf around on.

Stormtrooperguy is right that it would be a lot of work to get rolling. We'd need a commitment from users to contribute to it and possibly a "staff" to help maintain it.

Like I said I'd be willing to get it rolling and even be an editor, but I'd need help from the rest of the board to populate it.
Very useful. There is going to be a lot of digging back through the archived threads over the years though, looking up old pics and tutorials. If we as users can help in any way at all, WC, let us know.
I'd be more than happy to supply all the hi-res images of props, models and costumes I have from the traveling science tours.

And for picture hosting, photobucket has a $40/2 year deal that gets you unlimited bandwidth and picture size. I just uploaded a few 6MP pictures to my account with nary a peep. I bet we could easily round up a few donations to pay for it. As long as photobucket doesn't go belly-up, the pictures will be there for ever.

Good idea Wackychimp! Soooo how would this work for inputting ideas and keeping it clean, neat and organized?
GBfans has one for most of the Ghostbusters props which is fairly useful.

The problem comes in establishing a format, verifying information and policing entries. I could see things getting really gnarley really quickly. Do we do only confirmed found parts or allow acceptable alternatives? Do we include measurments for original pieces or just do found parts? How do we define alternate versions of the same prop like the various Solo blasters?

I'm not putting down the idea of a wiki but since the RPF is such a general forum it may be better to just continue refering people to existing repositories of info, IE: GBFans for ghostbusters, TDH for Fett, TPOSW for Star Wars, etc., instead of re-inventing the wheel.
Definitely in support of a wiki. :thumbsup

My area is Star Trek, so I would be glad to participate in that section at least.

If the awesome power of RPF can be harnessed we can generate the greatest online prop resource ever! :cool

The problem comes in establishing a format, verifying information and policing entries. I could see things getting really gnarley really quickly. Do we do only confirmed found parts or allow acceptable alternatives? Do we include measurments for original pieces or just do found parts? How do we define alternate versions of the same prop like the various Solo blasters?

I say we look to Wikipedia for inspiration. Yes in areas of contention we will have disputes, it's inevitable. I say we just hunker down and plunge in, and see what happens. :eek

Research on screenused pieces should take priority. Unconfirmed theories should be marked as such. Information should be backed up with sources. Single-source "it's this way because I say it is" type of info should be disallowed, or treated suspiciously.
