Rotj At-at

They did make more than one stop-motion puppet.They didn't do the battle scene in ESB with just one or two puppets,they made 4-5 of the same scale,then the large scale pyro models, the feet.I think they even made a really small one,but I don't think it could be animated?
Just thought you all might find this worth while... here's an AT-AT I built awhile back to be as screen accurate as possible.




And then I took an original Walker background photo, took out the lead walker and pasted mine in... looks pretty accurate to me... what do you think?

Hello there,

If you allow me I just wanted to show y'all the smallest Lucasfilm Licensed AT-AT that I ever purchased :


it's about 5,5 cm = 2 1/6" high. It's from the plastic Micromachines line and came with an oversized snowspeeder a Luke Hoth Outfit and Imperial Hoth Stormtrooper action figurines.

Very cool AT-AT you've got there Lrdsatyr8. Did you scratchbuild the entire AT-AT? :confused

If you permit me I just added a gaussians blur to your composite to make your AT-AT blend in with the rest of the frame :


(Picture composite courtesy Lucasfilm Ltd. and Lrdsatyr8)

Keep up the good work Monsieur Tox, always a pleasure to watch your work in progress.


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Actually it's not a scratchbuild... it's just a modified AMT. I did alot of mods to it to make it more screen accurate... for example... the hip widgets, the leg pistons, and the greebles on the feet are scratch as well as a few other mods. Really gave it a more detailed look... little things like that are what the AMT version was lacking. BTW - Gaussian Blur... awesome! :)
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Recently I purchased two 1/144 scale AT-AT from F-toys Japan. Still need to put them together how-
ever I was quite impressed when a UK based vendor on ebay advertised them with these pictures :



Like LrdSatyr8 modifications, these have the correct feet but where the legs connect with the body
those bits could be altered, just the same as on the original AMT kitmodel which were supposed to be
glued on. However in the movie you can clearly see movement from those parts :


(Picture courtesy LrdSatyr8)

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Hey guys, I dont want to sound bad but we're in the Studio Scale section here, there is too many non-ss stuff related on this section these days...
Sorry MonsieurTox,

I always get a little over-excited and enthousiastic watching AT-AT's that I forget where I am.
Please proceed with your work in progress!

Sorry MonsieurTox,

I always get a little over-excited and enthousiastic watching AT-AT's that I forget where I am.
Please proceed with your work in progress!


Dont be sorry Chaim, actually that's not a building thread but it's more dedicated to the AT-AT which was used for ROTJ.

Now I think Lord Satyr did a very good job with his MPC AT-AT but I think it's better -for his work and to keep this thread clear and focused on the original subject- if he opens his own thread, in the general section.
As I said there is too many stuff that shouldnt be in the studio scale section, an hour ago, the first 4 threads of the SS section were aimed to non-ss stuff (one of the 4 was this one). The RPF is generous enough to have both a general and a SS section and it's better for anyone if things are kept at the right place.

Dont get me wrong, I'm writting that as friend not as an ennemy. I know that new members may not know what Studio Scale means (there's an explanation here though :

What this forum is all about... Studio Scale Modeling Forum

This forum is designed for the discussion of screen used or replica studio scale models. By that we mean models that match the size and scale of minatures created during filming. Also on topic would be kitbashing, scratchbuilding, discovering original parts and and other tips in relation to the replication of studio scale models.

Discussions about about minatures in any scale different from those used for a production are off-topic for this forum and should go in our General Modeling Forum.

A rule of thumb: if your project is the replication of a model, it belongs here. If it's replicating a starship (for example) that is not in the same scale as a model used in the production of the film/show, it doesn't.

Discussion of full-scale replicas belong in the Prop Forum.

Additionally, the JunkYard is the appropriate section to offer items for sale, trade items with member or seek items for sale or trade. Please refrain from making such posts in this forum.

You can notice than this thread was written in 2005 and that it has only 3500 views. So I think many members here dont even take the time to read the rules.

That's why when I see a thread about the E-Wing or about a 48" Star Destroyer in the studio scale section, I'm a bit upset. Of course, I'm not a mod and they do their work well, they will probably move the threads very soon but they shouldnt have to do it.

Sorry for the rant, but I think I'm not the only one to think that.
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