Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

loved the trailer! i dont mind the samurai i like him! i love the tall droid, i want to see more of him!! big question, does anyone else get the feel that Jin is mon motha's daughter?

another big question was that Palpatine in the cloak.... and whats the deal with the white tube...

Definitely not regarding Jin/Mon Mothma. That's... a very left-field interpretation of a very brief encounter. I think, assuming the scene plays out the same way in the movie and isn't edited for the trailer, that Mon Mothma is just bemused by the girl's matter-of-fact acceptance of what she is.

The figure in the cloak, I'm fairly certain, is Vader, since he's supposed to be in the movie.
Wow, I really hope this is a true stand alone and doesn't end with some cliffhanger to lead into some other slightly related film. It needs to lead right into A new Hope and thats its. I love the imperial officer with the Thrawn looking uniform, love the troopers everywhere, love it all!

Being a 90s kid, I still hope we see Kyle Katarn
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Dang man the first response after watching this trailer was , "this looks like ****". I'm still looking forward to it because the idea of seeing how the Death Star plans are stolen is golden but wow I'm honestly surprised people are liking it this much. Whelp I'll still be there.
Definitely not regarding Jin/Mon Mothma. That's... a very left-field interpretation of a very brief encounter. I think, assuming the scene plays out the same way in the movie and isn't edited for the trailer, that Mon Mothma is just bemused by the girl's matter-of-fact acceptance of what she is.

The figure in the cloak, I'm fairly certain, is Vader, since he's supposed to be in the movie.

I'm hoping its vader as well
Dang man the first response after watching this trailer was , "this looks like ****". I'm still looking forward to it because the idea of seeing how the Death Star plans are stolen is golden but wow I'm honestly surprised people are liking it this much. Whelp I'll still be there.

Seriously?!? As an old school fan, this trailer looked KILLER to me... To each his own I guess. :)

I'm sorry I am more excited for this than I was Awaken and VIII. This could be great kick ass movie. As far as the comment about no cliff hanger and strictly a lead in IV I understand. But if they decided to make a Rogue Squadron movie like the old X-Wing books I would be interested.
I love the A New Hope style Star Destroyer

The AT-AT looks a little odd. I'd have figured being so close to the original trilogy they would look more like the ESB ones, but it appears they are a mix of the Rebels/McQuarrie At-At and the new one. No big deal, just not what I was expecting

I like the hover tank looking things the stormtroopers are in. Looks similar to that tank in the first Battlefront game
It's possible that the Empire has 2 or different models of AT-ATs with variations of each as well or they could be in transition from one model to the next. This sort of thing happens all the time, even with top tier militaries like ours, we don't replace everything all at once, we roll things out over time so that for a number of years you'll see the old mixed in with the new. It's also possible that this is the same model AT-AT as we've seen in Empire but just a different variant, like an A model and the Empire version being a newer B model or vice versa.
Eh.....seemed kind of by the numbers to me. Like any countless movies where rebellious individual joins/recruited by the CIIA/secret organization and is relied upon complete super secret mission with fate of the world in the balance. Only this has AT-ATs. As of now I'm leaning to waiting for home video.
Maybe these are AT_BMFs?

They certainly look a lot taller than 40 feet to me.

Hope the lead dosnt turn out to be space Katniss.
To those wondering about Jyn's costume at the very end...
She's in disguise as an Imperial gunner, along with Luna's character who's in disguise as an Imperial officer, presumably infiltrating the Death Star.
Quite cool AT-AT's, looks like a previous model than ESB, and somehow like an advanced Rebels/McQuarrie model:


And interesting tank too:

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