Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

I sure hope to be proven wrong. I can imagine them being altered to be more comfortable to wear but there's never been OT Stormtrooper armor that fits together or looks better than the ANH armor. Here's a pic which looking at just this one the chest plate and ab/crotch area look different to ANH. Again I hope I'm proven wrong and it's just the pic.


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It is said that a 'Darth Vader Dream Team' is being assembled. The costume to be seen on screen is nothing like the sleek, refined, skinnier version we saw at the end of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. The costume appearing in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is being meticulously recreated to match the Darth Vader seen in 1977's Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. Inside sources claim that the costume is very close, and that the filmmakers, including director Gareth Edwards, are extremely happy with the outcome. Brian Muir, the original sculptor on the first Darth Vader costume, is said to have returned with his team. Read more at:

It is said that a 'Darth Vader Dream Team' is being assembled. The costume to be seen on screen is nothing like the sleek, refined, skinnier version we saw at the end of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. The costume appearing in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is being meticulously recreated to match the Darth Vader seen in 1977's Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. Inside sources claim that the costume is very close, and that the filmmakers, including director Gareth Edwards, are extremely happy with the outcome. Brian Muir, the original sculptor on the first Darth Vader costume, is said to have returned with his team. Read more at:

Brian Muir working for Rogue One was a very good news when it was announced. Now having an accurate ANH type Vader costume is icing on the cake. Though I can see some naysayers crying for the idealized symmetrical ROTS suit LOL

It is said that a 'Darth Vader Dream Team' is being assembled. The costume to be seen on screen is nothing like the sleek, refined, skinnier version we saw at the end of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. The costume appearing in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is being meticulously recreated to match the Darth Vader seen in 1977's Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. Inside sources claim that the costume is very close, and that the filmmakers, including director Gareth Edwards, are extremely happy with the outcome. Brian Muir, the original sculptor on the first Darth Vader costume, is said to have returned with his team. Read more at:

And considering JEJ has been voicing Vader for Rebels, I think he would be up for returning to the big screen as well.
While I appreciate what the film makers are trying to do, I don't think the Vader costume should be an *exact* replica of what is seen in ANH. Star Wars costumes and props change (sometimes significantly, sometimes not so much) from movie to movie. Why do we expect such a high level of continuity from a franchise that has never made it a priority?

I'm still holding out that there will be some small differences between the R1 and ANH Vader costumes.
While that level of Vader pwnage would be nice to see on the big screen, the movie still needs to be PG-13 so it can't be too violent. If he does get an action scene, I'm thinking it'll be similar to his TIE fighter scene in SW Rebels Siege of Lothal where he absolutely obliterates everyone in his path, but don't think it'll go so far as shown a field covered with decapitated rebel soldiers. One thing's for sure though - to a bunch of rebel soldiers no matter how elite, Vader will be akin to an unstoppable force of nature.
I am sure there will be a ton of carnage for us to witness as PG-13 today is not the PG-13 that we grew up with. As far as decapitation I am sure we will have some shots of him swinging and throwing the saber only to see a body lying on the ground at an angle we can't see the head (or lack there of). I assume they will make it were kids can see it and we can assume what happened.
They go too hog wild it's not going to fit with ANH. Vader choked a guy to death and threw him, tortured Leia off screen, (not so much she wasn't normal afterwards either) and force choked one guy to intimidate. So yeah he is supposed to be damn evil and cruel but I hope they don't go nuts.
I tend to agree but it depends on the situation. We've never seen Vader in full "combat mode" so I think there is some leeway. That said, I don't want to see him twirling around, being acrobatic and such. There is a point where it could start to feel gimmicky and a little silly but I think Rebels' handling of Vader was a generally good example of how to do it. Looming, intimidating and self assured. Just coolly getting things done...except presumably failing to prevent the DS plans from being beamed to the Tantive IV just in the nick of time. I really wouldn't be surprised if this movie is not merely a prequel but one that leads immediately into ANH.
I want a Darth Vader that is imposing, intimidating, using Force powers. When he battles I don't want to see too much of PT over-choreographed duels, but maybe ESB/ROTJ ones.
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