Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 07/02/2011)

hrmmmm , judgin by the build, not alot of undercuts, you could easily get away with a 2 part mold, with a divider line straight down the sides, since you cant lay it flat you would have to start with the divider wall , possibly clay all around the sides then pour n the silicone jacket, then fiberglass after that.

i'm know there are better casting gurus around that would chime in.

I look forward to seeing you finish it
Thanks for the reply, I've got my head round the general technique for making the mould,I'm just not confident enough to attempt it on such a large scale as I have never done any mould making before and I don't want to damage the pack or waste lots of silicone so I'm really looking for someone to make the mould for me but at the moment no one has contacted me so I may have to do it myself
Thanks guys, I know what you mean Mooniteman I've been looking at it for over a month now and every time I look at it I think I've got to get it moulded. I think I'll give it another week and if no one in the UK steps forward then I'll have a go at it myself.
Jamie - I can mold it mate.
are you heading to Collectormania?

my experience is mostly helmets only though



chest boxes

either way you go its cool mate
btw how is your other project going - the one you mentioned at Mem ;P

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Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 07/02/11)

AWESOME job! You MIGHT have an issue with the flap control rods hitting that lower hump.

- Jeff

Thanks Jeff, I know your a massive Rocketeer fan and your comments mean alot mate so thank you, and no need to worry mate I have already checked to make sure the rods don't hit the bottom section.

Nate if your up for it mate pm you phone number and we can sort it out.

My aim is to make this as affordable as I can to all those Rocketeer fans that have always wanted to have a complete costume,

Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 07/02/11)

My aim is to make this as affordable as I can to all those Rocketeer fans that have always wanted to have a complete costume,

That's what I like to hear. Excellent progress so far hikz - looking forward to the next phases
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