Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 07/02/2011)


Well-Known Member
Rocketeer pack build Finished

Some of you may have seen my first attempt at a rocketpack, It turned out okay but I have decided to have another go hopefully getting this one looking better, heres a couple of pictures of my progress so far

heres apic of my first pack for comparison
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Re: Rocketeer pack build

Looks pretty good so far. :thumbsup It's on my list, just don't have time to do another build right now. Are you going to be molding it or is it just a one off?

Some of you may have seen my first attempt at a rocketpack, It turned out okay but I have decided to have another go hopefully getting this one looking better, heres a couple of pictures of my progress so far

heres apic of my first pack for comparison
Re: Rocketeer pack build

Oooo hikz man, been lookin for one for ages mate.
defo interested in a kit or bits to make a scratch build easier
Re: Rocketeer pack build

The plan is to make moulds from this but thats a while off, once I've finished with the main cylinder I'm going to have a go at sculpting the middle section out of clay.
Re: Rocketeer pack build

Just a quick update the main cylinder is now finished. The problem is I have never made moulds before so I need some help/tutorials, so if anyone could help me that would be great

Re: Rocketeer pack build

Are you just going to flip this for the other side or build both? You can PM if you'd like I'll help you out with the mold stuff NP. :)
Re: Rocketeer pack build

What are you using to shape the cylinders? It looks like foam?

Just a quick update the main cylinder is now finished. The problem is I have never made moulds before so I need some help/tutorials, so if anyone could help me that would be great

Re: Rocketeer pack build

Jamie, send me an email dude, i got a great molding tutorial
or just drop me a line dude.
Re: Rocketeer pack build


I'm posting on behalf of Hikz who's build this is!

We've been working together on the overall design/layout of the pack for a long while now, I did the CAD drawings that were used to turn the cylinders and nose cone etc but we're at the point now where we need to fix the angle of each of the cylinders to allow him to start sculpting the central section.

As I said, I have done the CAD drawings but we'd like some input from anyone who's got a replica pack, specifically a couple of measurements.

A = Tip to Tip
B = The Distance between the cylinders at the lowest point

All/Any input is greatly appreciated!

Cheers guys!

Re: Rocketeer pack build

I can tell you it's right abot 2 feet in length I got the measurements for my pepakura jetpack from a person with a kit and double checked with measurements I found here on the RPF. Here I have a photo I can share that might help you out.
Re: Rocketeer pack build


Cheers for that! I seem to recall seeing that drawing before (you might have sent it me when I first started drawing up the rocketpack for Hikz!)

I'm not sure we can get what we need from it tho. Size wise we are pretty spot on with what your measurements show (in terms of length and diameter of the cylinders). What we are trying to determine is the width of the pack at the top and bottom so we can get the angle between the two correct. Since they aren't parallel we figured that the best bet woudl be to get another pack owner to measure the distance between the tips of the nose cones and the gap at the bottom.

Hikz's plan is to drill and dowel the two parts together like in this pic:
