Robocop Reboot (Pre-release)


Sr Member
LINK: RoboCop May Have a Director

This is exciting. I was watching the original Robocop the other day and found it a little campy, but I remember watching it in the theaters as a kid and being struck by how hard-core the violence was. Ammo that appeared unlimited. 80s hairstyles.... and a unisex shower/locker room, just like Starship Troopers (which Veerhoeven also directed). But despite the flaws, it was a great film even for today.

Sad that Robocop 2 didn't follow Frank Miller's vision of the script but it was still fun to watch.

Robocop 3 against the Japanese robot with the samurai sword was just plain silly. The movie was more about "Robocop, now with a jetpack accessory, now available at your local toy store!"

So here's the the Robocop reboot. :cheers Anyone think the costume needs a redesign or is it good enough for our time?

Long live Murphy! :thumbsup

EDIT: Hey, found some concept art at:



Looks like they're playing with a cyber ninja (Metal Gear Solid) influence there. Some TRON influence too.....

More pics! Now these look much more clear, but they look like a person in a suit rather than a cyborg.

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Looks like the concept artist took an Iron Man Mk II and gave it a B&W paint scheme. Hopefully those designs are just to clear out the cobwebs and some more creative and unique designs will follow.

I enjoyed RoboCop - even the TV series, so it will be interesting to see where this goes :)
Did he dislocate his elbow on the pic of him holding the gun? Something is messed up there. I really hope they don't do a reboot. Robo's design still works even 23 years (dang has it been that long) after we first saw him.

(pauses to take a deep breath)


(phew, huff, huff, ha, phew)


(pant, cough, pant, huff, deep breath)

Oh my God... You killed Cayman... You bastards! :lol

Seriously though. PLEASE GOD NO!!!!!!


oo :sick

The lightsaber Iron man thing is horrible. He needs to appear to move and be impenetrable like a tank. Not a limber cyborg ninja.

This concept alone looks as bad as the GIJOE super suit things.

I wouldn't mind seeing a new Robocop. It wouldn't have to be exact to the original. But I feel his movements were kinda what made him... Him. Ya know?
I think they should keep the original design (maybe just CGI the articulations so we can "see" there is no man behind the metal). And I agree, he should still have those somehow clumsy and heavy movements he had, I'd hate it if he became a cyborg ninja

But they need a serious director and a serious script. This shouldn't become Transformers 4

It doesn’t work for Robocop but it may work for an updated ROM the Spaceknight if they change the helmet.


I hope they make the new movie with that design just so it will bomb. It would confirm that the original movie was a classic and didn't need to be remade.
A. The camp is Robocop was intentional.
B. The over-the-top cartoon violence was intentional
C. A reboot will be full of Baysplosions without the sense of satire and social critique Verhoeven infused in his flash and noise.
D. The film will take itself too seriously and be devoid of any wit.
E. The film will lack all directorial flair. It will be generic. It will be condescending toward the limitations of the original effects without attaining the subtle intelligence of the original, therefore making a self-congratulatory and pompous farce of it's own inflated sense of worth.
F. This will suck my 8alls. And I haven't showered today, so they taste extra vinegary. (to continue the South Park theme OldKen!)

A. The camp is Robocop was intentional.
B. The over-the-top cartoon violence was intentional
C. A reboot will be full of Baysplosions without the sense of satire and social critique Verhoeven infused in his flash and noise.
D. The film will take itself too seriously and be devoid of any wit.
E. The film will lack all directorial flair. It will be generic. It will be condescending toward the limitations of the original effects without attaining the subtle intelligence of the original, therefore making a self-congratulatory and pompous farce of it's own inflated sense of worth.
F. This will suck my 8alls. And I haven't showered today, so they taste extra vinegary. (to continue the South Park theme OldKen!)



Also, **** Hollywood.
Robocop, just like Pirates of the Caribean, should have been one film(that was damn perfect) and left it at that.

TV show had a couple good episodes. Problem was, they should have wrote it as a cop show and added a bit of sci fi flair instead of writing it as a sci fi cop show.
This is just a bad idea. i like the clunky robocop that had trouble getting off his back when knocked over.
For all you wonderboys ****ting on the new Robocop, how many have taken the time to see Jose Padihla's ELITE SQUAD? It's brilliant, gritty, politically smart, well-acted... need I go on?

The imagery posted was fan-created and has nothing to do with the new movie.
Robocop could only have been made in the 80's. The tread lightly filmmakers of today won't and can't go balls out like they did back then - heck, even they barely got away with it. They make this and give him the little glow sword and iron man poses i promise we're looking at a pg-13 movie