"Retro" Laser Rifle (TOS Inspired)

You have demonstrated that thrift shopping is the key part to doing a quick scratch build. Very nice job with the creativity.

There are many dreamers but only a few like you who can see the abstract in common items and turn them into reality.

Great job, I have a couple of suggestions if you don't mind. Mount the shovel handle on the back vertically like the original and put some pvc pipe in those tubes to straighten them out and maybe some grip panels where your right hand goes. just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the compliments (and bump :thumbsup)!

TK- Unfortunately mounting the shovel handle vertically would interfere with the control box, so it has to stay horizontal. However mounting some pvc pipe (or wood dowel) to straighten out the coil tubes was something I planned on getting around to... until I put this project on the back burner. ;)

Thanks for the suggestion of the panels to give the pistol section a little more definition- I meant to get around to adding a trigger, but the panels are a great idea!

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