Replies in a topic being marked as read


Sr Member
Is there a way that replies in a topic can be marked as read and not read?

If I ready "Such and such" a topic and its 3 replies then move on to "thread 2" and its 12 replies and come back to "such and such" and it now has 7 replies the 4 new ones don't appear any different then the previous 3.

Right next to the time stamp on the top of the replie there is a little piece of paper with one corner turned down. It is always white, most boards would have read replies while and unread/new replies a yellow color (color isn't important, just a difference between read and unread is).

If you take a look at TDH's new forum you can see what I mean.

I can post some screenies when I get home (Work blocks all ports and I can't upload right now).
Here is what I am talking about. On TDH if you've read a thread and there are new posts and old posts there is a marker that shows the difference.


Here all posts look the same once inside a thread. Unless I remember specifically I don't know if I've viewed a particular post or not.

Anyone know if there is a global setting, individual setting or something to modify this?
Actually the board should be able to tell if I read something or not. It remembers the last time I visited. It should also know the last time I read a specific thread. If it compares that time with the time of any replies it should be able to tell me if a reply is new to me or not.

My php board I run is able to do this as well.


Also TDH's url.
I think there is a mod for this if IPB doesnt have it built in somewhere

i know if you click the topic title from the main forum listing it will take you to the first unread post
Originally posted by creamedgeezer@Apr 3 2005, 06:12 PM
i know if you click the topic title from the main forum listing it will take you to the first unread post
That is a great feature many boards are not using much of any more. The first PHP boards I used to go to had this and it was the best.