Red Hood and Robin Cosplay


New Member
Hello fellow Cosplayers, so I'm making a Red Hood (Jason Todd) and a Robin (Damian Wayne) cosplay costume. The Red Hood costume will be for myself while the Robin Costume will be for my nephew. I started the Red Hood Costume about a year ago, it didn't really turn out amazing. I started with the helmet, and bought an iron man mask from Walmart as a base mask. I cut the elastic band off then wrapped painters tape around the back of my head to turn it into a full helmet. Once I had the right shape I covered it in Plaster of Paris, then sanded, coated it with Plasti-Dip Spray, and finally painted it. To be honest.. it didn't look good at all. Then about 2 months ago a friend recommended to me to try bondo. So I sanded the helmet down to the Plaster of Paris, covered it in bondo, and repeated the process. Next I made lenses that I saw in a tutorial on Youtube on How to make Amazing Spiderman 2 lenses, basically just use mesh and paint it white then use clear plastic to give the shiny glass lense look. Next I drew the type of eyes I wanted on the lenses on a piece of paper, cut them out, laid the cut out eye shapes on my lenses and sprayed it with Plasti-Dip (Yes I like Plasti-Dip). Finally I glued them inside the helmet for that comic book mask look. Below I will be posting my pics and describing each step, and once I'm caught up with where I currently stand I need some suggestions on how I should proceed. I appreciate any comments, this is also my first time posting on here so please try and be helpful not detrimental! Thanks Guys!
So while sanding the bondo I couldn't get it perfect without any holes so I started thinking.. Hell let's make the defects into battle damage! So I also left the right cheek unsanded, then using several different techniques for creating battle damage I learned online. In the unsanded section and in each hole and scratch I painted it black then if it was deep enough I painted it silver to give it a metallic helmet look. The last pic is an example of one of the eyes. Below is the look for the helmet I was trying to go for...
So what I need are recommendations on what i can put inside the helmet to keep my nose from being squished against the face since it is flat inside.
Oh speaking of the inside of the helmet, I also fiberglassed the inside and then glued foam onto that for comfort, My nose getting squished is the only problem I'm currently facing, suggestions?
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Now for the Red Hood accessories. First Up is the utility belt. so thanks again to Youtube, for there was a really cheap tutorial for this.I simply cut the cardboard for comic books into squares and laid them onto one piece of ducktape equal to my waist measurement. Each capsule and compartment are simply Hubba Bubba, M&M's. and mint/ ice breaker containers. I scraped off the labels then coated the belt and containers with plasti-dip, and on the cylinder M&M containers I spray painted them silver. I attached the containers to the belt using adhesive velcro in order to be able to remove them. The buckle is just the scraps from the comic book cardboard made into a rectangle and sprayed silver with a red hood symbol sticker I made glued to it. Any recommendations on what I can fill these containers with?
Then there's my toy knife, kneepads from academy, and Batman The Brave and the Bold foam batarangs off of ebay.
Now I also have a leg holster for my gun, and a nerf dart gun i modified.
Below is the Body Armor I bought for the costume that I will be painting the red hood symbol on on the chest, and the gloves I bought for the costume as well. I'm just waiting to get them in the mail hopefully in the next few days.
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Now I can't decide which jacket I would rather for my vision of Red Hood, Here's my two options... BTW the one on the left is a replica from TDK movie when Bruce Wayne rides his motocycle.

Next Delimma is which boots, and the options are below.


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(at least for me) the images of your helmet are broken so we aren't able to see your current helmet build. Other than that, I like the utility belt idea. I may have to make one for the heck of it alone haha.
Fixed the images,and yea the belt is super easy to make lol, no effort. If you have comic books that aren't extremely important just use their cardboard, then make sure to try and use one piece of ducktape, also make sure it overlaps so you can use sticky velcro to connect it and glue your buckle over the overlap, and buy/make your containers. the belt total maybe cost me $10-$15
For your helmet dilemma: do you have room in the back of the helmet? By that I mean does the back of the helmet sit flush against the back of your head, or can you slide the helmet forward on your skull at all? If not, you are kind of stuck with it the way it is. If you can though, you could try and figure out a way to rig the inside so that the helmet rests as far forward on your head as possible, leaving room for your nose. My advice on that would be to either put some padding in the upper forehead area, or build some sort of extension that you can attach to the inside of the helmet and rests on your nose the same way a pair of glasses might. Though, that second option might put an uncomfortable amount of pressure on that area over an extended time period.
Im not a huge fan of either of those boots man, they're both overly ornate, they dont mesh with the rest of your gear.

I'd go for the brown jacket, it looks much nicer then the red and black

Also, be prepared to tear the hard shoulder pads off of the motorcross armor, otherwise you're going to look really hunched over in the jacket.
the combat boots will look far better IMO, I use a pair of surplus boots i picked up for my red hood partly for the ascetics, and partly because they're comfy as all hell
Awesome, well i think that does it for the Red hood costume, once I get all the pieces in I will post a pic while wearing it all. So now its time to post some pics of the Robin Damian Wayne costume. I'll be posting them throughout the day so check back.
Aight so first up for the Damian wayne costume costume is the chest plate. Before I get in too far Lemme explain that with this costume I invision a storyline where when he is trying to prove he's better than all the other robins and starts tracking them down he goes for Tim first and beats him, but when he gets to Jason he loses. From there he begins to admire Jason and joins his side, once again killing his enemies. With that in mind I created this costume to be more aggressive, which will be more so apparent with the guantlets. But now back to the chest plate. For most of the armor with this costume I mainly have used the foam armor out of a motorcycle jacket that I got for free when I bought my bike and it was too big for me. The chest plate is actually the back plate from inside the jacket. I basically just used Plasti-Dip then cherry red spray paint. Next I super glued a velcro strap on either side of the chest in the middle section that will wrap around the chest under the armpits and attach to the spine plate I made (see the second two pics). After that I glued an elastic strap with a piece of velcro sewed to the ends to either side on the bottom section that will wrap around the stomach to connect to the spine plate. I used an elastic strap so that the stomach can expand for breathing. Then I glued a piece of a buckle to both sides of the top of the chest plate, two straps will attach to the spine plate and run over the shoulders and buckle into the buckles on the chest plate. The last picture is of the symbol I made out of craft foam that I will glue to the chest plate. My question is if I should cut the chest plate into sections and then attach it back together with elastic straps to allow easier movement?
I forgot to post the first pic, it's of the inside of the chest plate. The second pic is with the symbol attached and I basically painted the entire symbol and now that it's dry I personally think it looks really cool and makes it pop.
20141104_112250.jpg20141104_112257.jpg20141104_112310.jpg20141104_112437.jpg20141104_112443.jpgThese are the pictures of one of the guantlets and it's got the typical arm spikes on it. It was originally one solid piece and was the shoulder armor in the motorcycle jacket. I cut them and sanded the edge I cut to smooth it. Then I attached velcro straps to the forearm piece and an elastic strap to the hand piece with two elastic straps connecting the two pieces over the wrist.
20141104_112523.jpg20141104_112529.jpg20141104_112541.jpg20141104_112635.jpg20141104_112644.jpgThen this is the other guantlet, the way I figure it is that the typical batman arm spikes are mainly used for defense so on this one I did spikes to make it more aggressive. For the spikes on both guantlets I just cut up craft foam and sanded it and for the first guantlet I had to cut out a piece of the armor for those spikes to secure them then I super glued it. On this guantlet I just cut pin needles in half and shove them through the arm and put my spikes on top and glued them.
Currently I'm making my Red Hood Latex Robin type mask, then I will make the green robin mask. After that will be the shin guards, groin guard, and thigh guards. Underneath all the armor my nephew will be wearing a pair of black equestrian padded winter riding pants, a black long sleeve turtle-neck Under Armor shirt, and a pair of motorcycle gloves. Now I need suggestions on where I can get the right type of yellow cape and I think I'll just cut up a black hooded cloak. I will also include a ninja sword, and probably buy some batarings and put a robin symbol sticker on each one
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