Suggestion Reason for banning member in profile


Sr Member
Hi, I just thought I'd put forward a suggestion where we could have the reason a member was banned put into their profile. I have seen it a couple of times where someone can be posting in a thread, and then banned and the rest of us are scratching our heads wondering what happened.

It would make life a little easier if you could open the profile and read why they were now banned. it could also help newer members who may not be able to find the "members update" list, and reinforce just what behavior does get you banned.

ok, the last bit is my way of trying to sell the idea, I dislike scrolling down that list trying to find the name of banned members.
Still think the banned member list should be separate from the name change list and other member updates. Took forever for me to find it after the merge because of the rather all-encompassing title.

I like your idea of having the reason written in the member profile as well.
Thanks, I agree with the separate list too. I even know where the banned member list is and think it's hard to find
I have to agree the banned member list should be a little more 'stand out', even as a veteran member I have to dig and look for it... If it's to serve it's purpose of 'warning' especially for the newbies it should be a little more prevalent, IMO...

Maybe just a single sticky thread in the forum, with the topic Banned Members, and a single post in that thread that is updated with a list and reason...

As for the profiles, on one forum that I used to admin at we just put the reason in the user title, that way it was attached to every post and obvious rather than the generic "Banned" user title they get now...
I like that idea of the reason for being banned put in the title. It's a constant reminder of just what behavior is unacceptable and maybe it will make some people think twice about how they will act.
How about when a member is banned, their signature is edited to have the link to the post about their banning?
How about when a member is banned, their signature is edited to have the link to the post about their banning?

That is actually a pretty good idea, but it would mean going back to a post for each banning.

I know some people seem to think this is an issue of some import but the truth is, outside of providing the most basic of information so that you aren't left in the dark on the reason someone is no longer a part of the community, we really don't want to spend too much time or effort focusing on banned members and we don't want to make a big deal out of it. The previous thread for banned members almost read like a wall of shame. There wasn't a clear formatting and sometimes it was confusing. We would rather stick with a much more simplified format that does let you, the members, know why this person is no longer a member, but then moves on without fanfare.
That is actually a pretty good idea, but it would mean going back to a post for each banning.

I know some people seem to think this is an issue of some import but the truth is, outside of providing the most basic of information so that you aren't left in the dark on the reason someone is no longer a part of the community, we really don't want to spend too much time or effort focusing on banned members and we don't want to make a big deal out of it. The previous thread for banned members almost read like a wall of shame. There wasn't a clear formatting and sometimes it was confusing. We would rather stick with a much more simplified format that does let you, the members, know why this person is no longer a member, but then moves on without fanfare.

The old thread was a lot clearer than the new one and at least it was clear where it was, if you had better things to do than worry about banned members why change it to begin with ?
Is it possible to add a Banned under their username and then have a Link that takes you to the page describing why they were Banned?

I also like the idea LordFett offered, but instead of having their signature edited to have the link to the post about their banning...just have their signature simply say, why they were Banned...
Is it possible to add a Banned under their username and then have a Link that takes you to the page describing why they were Banned?

I also like the idea LordFett offered, but instead of having their signature edited to have the link to the post about their banning...just have their signature simply say, why they were Banned...

All possible and on the surface it seems like a good idea. Let me discuss it with the staff and we will let you know. Personally, I would rather see the information tied to the banned member themselves then have a big, long list of shame.
Personally, removing the list will make it more difficult for people to refer newcomers with questions about certain people to that list with those names and reasons for their banning. If you think it's a list of shame, then I'm sorry, but then you are missing the point of the thread. They put themselves up on that list because they decided they didn't want to play by this forum's rules. They shamed themselves, if you want to call it that.

I don't see it as a list of shame, but rather a warning about the people who got banned and why they got banned - so we don't have to answer questions to people when they ask about why someone was banned: the list already explicitly said why, so it was easy to just link to it and the specific post about that specific member.

Like the member name change thread: it's a simply a thread explaining changes happening in the forum.
With Carsten here. The one-stop list is also a handy education on serial pests.

Thank you for changing the banned list back. It's easier to check before I make a purchase on any other forum to see if that person might be on the list for any reason, but especially the take your money and bail on you group. Plus it's also funny to see our primary list of banned members who keep trying to come back on here. And like so many others who got fooled by Raz I don't ever want that to happen again.

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Not to pick nits, but... could the Ban Log be moved to the Announcements section rather than the Q & S section?
No. While it would certainly make more organizational sense to be in the Announcements forum than the Q&A, the Announcements forum is viewable by the public while the Q&A is only viewable by members and we feel there is no good reason to advertise bannnings to the general public.