R2-D2's Fusion Furnace Battery Charger


New Member
I'm looking to make a functioning battery charger for my R2 that is a replica of the fusion furnace seen on Dagobah. I have a few photos but nothing that is super detailed. I'd like to put out this request for anyone that can help with any detailed photos or any part identification. This is such a great part and I want it as close as I can get it to what's seen on screen. By what I've seen and been told, the original prop did not survive. Thanks in advance! :thumbsup

I've also wanted to make one of these for a while now. As you know couple of fan made one's have been done, but they don't look right.

I was hoping there would be some better shots in the new Making of ESB book, but alas it's the same stuff I've seen before (may be a bit higher res).

I know there are more photos out there, as I've seen cropped pictures posted on the R2 Builders Club, but the person who has them says they can't share. :(
Here's all the photos I have, I'm sure there are more out there.

ESB Charger

and some highlights



People have surmised that the top finned portion is some sort of turbine or motor part.
Yes, all photos I've seen but thanks and I too was hoping for better photos in the latest book. I did see the cropped photos too posted on the R2 Builders Club. Doesn't make any sense to me, you can share a crop of a photo but not the photo? Think it's more a personal thing, asking for help, but not willing to help others...go figure.

I think I have one other photo that's pretty close that I'll find and post but that's about it.

I agree, all of the fan made ones just don't look right.

Hoping some others can help as I'm positive the prop would have been photographed nicely.
I think I see Visible V-8 engine parts in that closeup; the round pieces that the springs are coming out of. Can't recall the name of the part...

All the Star Wars detail experts here and no one has info?

Truth be told, I never really looked at this interesting little item until you brought it up.

@ Bothan Jedi: maybe that person could be cajoled into posting different crops...:love
I thought the image from the decipher CCG card would be helpful, I was seemingly wrong. After looking it up, it is well-lit and close up. It is not the prop, but computer generated.
This is such a cool prop, I'm hoping we can get some good info for a replica. I did see the one at CV and while amazing, it is not exactly screen accurate. Most of these parts look like fount objects, just wish there were better images of the piece. I've heard the prop is not in the archives...wonder where it ended up at?...dare I ask.
I'm building one of these from scratch, using a part of an ArtFX model as reference...

The ArtFX piece is cool and many elements are right but if you look closely, it's not correct, especially the base. I almost bought one at CVI for that very reason and then opted not to use it for reference.

Looking forward to seeing what you do though! It's such a cool prop.
Is it generally assumed that this prop is a completely made up piece, from several items? For example, a large flywheel on top of a floor fan on top of a brake disc/clutch cover ...kind of thing.

It's the top part that confuses me a tad, the fins are from something like a large industrial wall fan, as it's quite large (like, bigger than a lawnmoer motor flywheel), but then the whole top part seems to be solidly attached to the middle part - when if it is a 'flywheel' then that part should be freely movable.

I'v not looked at it before but is definitely an interesting prop.
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What about something like the fan/turbine assembly in an old air raid siren? It looks like something you'd see in a high volume air or possibly even liquid pumping system.

Edit to add: For that matter, given how jet engine parts were used in lightsabres and (IIRC) the cantina bar setup, this could possibly be another part from the same engine.