Qui-Gon Jinn

You are right, he does make an excellent Qui-Gon. You have the perfect look. You need to download at least one of those photos here.

Nicely done.

You would make a fantastic Haldir from LOTR. IMHO.
Cheers for the great comments folks, much appreciated.

Here's one of the pics downloaded to here as requested.

Unfortunately he's only four feet tall!! :) Only joking!

Warrenzo makes a great Qui-Gon and has some damn fine lightsabers skills to boot!
Awesome costume. I am in the middle of my Jedi costume. Did you make yours or was it pieced together? Where did you get your Jedi belt pouches??
lol!! Cheers Dave, i can always count on u to comment on my height or my hoof feet lol!!

thorneyboy: I actually had it all made by a very skilled proffessional seamstress. You can contact them on their website HERE.

They did the pouches as well mate and the quality is fantastic!!

May i ask what Jedi ur basing ur robes on??
I am basing mine upon Obi Wan from EpII. I love the costume in that movie, however I am also making a custom jedi. I know that most like to replicate known jedi but it is also a lot of work to really create a custom jedi that stands out.
NICE!!! I LOVE Obi-Wan's robes...especially in EpIII, but from wut i've seen there's not much difference between them in both movies other than the weathering and burnt bits from Mustafar.

I love seeing wut people come up with for custom Jedi, i look forward to ur progress mate.
GRRRRR!!! Don't u start aswell lol!!!

I already get that video thrown my way by a friend of mine....cheers for the comment tho.
Excellent costume and a fair likeness as well! I saw Qui-Gon's costume at the Bradford exhibition, couldn't get over the size of Neeson's boots! They were huge!

Nice job picking a character that suits your looks, and great work! I will not make any Qui Gon jabs though :)
Hellz Yeah, you make an awesome Qui-Gon, Neeson is one of my favorite actors, he's Darkman, A Jedi, Ras Al Ghul, he was in Krull, he was Hannibal Smith, he was Zeus, he's the man, he was almost Dracula in Monster Squad as well, which would've been awesome as well. Who else can say they've done all those roles, not to mention Schindler's List and Kinsey, and Gun Shy. Freakin Awesome
Wow, nice work! I've been costuming as Qui-Gon for a few years now, and am finally redoing the whole costume to make it more accurate. I remade my belt today, but I have been unable to find a similar buckle. Yours seems to be spot-on. Where did you get it, if I may ask?
Sorry, im only seein this now. I got it from the girl who made my whole costume.

You can contact her through her website here Clothears

You got any pics of u as the Master mate?