Question about luminescent fabrics & LED materials


New Member
I've got some projects lined up that I need to use some lighting effects and I was wondering if could ask here for some feedback about sources and best types to use. Maybe someone has gone through some of the growing pains of finding the optimal materials.

The question is for my first project, what type of light up fabric would be best for a diffused red effect? For example, think Tron, but a highly saturated red. Doesn't have to be seen from space, even a subtle glow is good, but ideally it should look good and be visibly red both lit up and not. Other perks would be the ability to cut the material to size from a sheet, small but sturdy connectors/wiring, and if I an sew through the material with my industrial sewing machine that would be icing on the cake.

Does such a wondrous material exist?

It is for my next project : Medieval Darth Vader (fantasy world, so it will have glowing magic bits instead of bleep boop lights)

An additional question if anyone has some input... I need to make a light saber greatsword from scratch and I'm looking at buying some kit stuff to save some time, like the sound board and so forth but the site I was looking at has blades that don't do the controlled led ascent/decent of the lighting, it just has one bright LED in the handle for the dueling blades. Anyone have any recommendations of some existing sabers or kits out there I could cannibalize parts from to get the sounds/lighting effects.

Thanks in advance : )
For example, something like this, with the red being light up material and the rest being layers of leather in this case.
Does anyone have experience with materials like this?
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