Predator Head Sculpt

:lol thank you all for the compliments. I am gonna mold it this week, when i can get some more ultracal-30. I still have to finish the detailing and final clean up. Does anyone want to see the molding process?

yes yes and yes. this is something ive been wanting todo for my trophy fiance's armor i will soon be sculpting.:)
I'd be interested in the molding process. One suggestion before finishing. Try to make the quill sacks on the brow and up the sides and down towards the cheek bones.

Was also wondering about the sharp edge at the lower jaw where the skin flap turns into the lower mandible tooth "arm". Is it supposed to have that ledge? I always thought the flap blended into that area more smoothly.

Good call, yea i need to put little indents for all the whiskars on the face. It was in the plan but not completed yet but thanks for reminding me. As for the jaw yea i think i might tone that down a touch. I always appreciate constructive critisism.

I have seen alot of comments about seeing the mold making process, so i will post up the process. This is gonna be a very complicated mold so it will be fun! :lol
Welcome. Looking forward to seeing the completed piece.

Are you planning on only doing it as a latex mask? If you decide to do resin casts you could always think about sculpting the dreads and beads as well.

I'm not sure about mold making and whether a mold for latex masks can be used to make resin copies as well!?
Well i am almost finished! I got all the ultracal-30 i will need to mold it, and i plan to begin very soon. Been adding more super fine detailing and put in all the little indents were the whiskars will go. Will post pictures of the moldmaking as soon as its completly refined and after final feed back. What do you think of the detailing?



Very nice sculpt. The only thing i see, is maybe is convex the brows a bit so they don't look flattened.
Can't wait to see one all painted up!
Well mold making is about to begin! I cut off the mandables with a very sharp knife and they will be cast seperatly to prevent undercuts. The teeth will also be cast seperatly but i left them in to show the inside of the mouth. I have been adding the finishing touches to it, i added a little more bulge to the eyebrow area and finished the jaw texture. I will post pictures of the mold as it progresses. Thank you all for your comments i appreciate it. :lol

I have a suggestion, if it is not too late. The two outer teeth on either side in the lower jaw should be moved in a bit, making that front piece slightly more curved, like seen with the human jaw. It looks a bit unnatural to have that chin be so square and flat.
I have a suggestion, if it is not too late. The two outer teeth on either side in the lower jaw should be moved in a bit, making that front piece slightly more curved, like seen with the human jaw. It looks a bit unnatural to have that chin be so square and flat.

Yea i think your right, i will change that before i cast it. Thank you for pointing it out, thats why i put these pictures up so i can make changes and make it the best it can be.
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