Plo Koon WIP

Darth Serberus

Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics of a mask I have recently started for one of the guys in the Emerald Garrison.
Jedi Master Plo Koon.
It is being built on a generic sized head so it should fit most.
Haven't quite decided on the final casting yet, might go silicone or foam latex.
The mouth piece is done in bronze resin with a fan and mic fitted. This will be mounted on seperate head straps that go under the mask. This should help make it more 'troopable' ie. you will be able to remove it. The eye pieces will also be finished in the same material.
Pics are off an Iphone so they're a bit shoddy. I'll take some better ones next week.

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Re: Plo Kloon WIP

u kiding me? pics look great and so is the mask. can't wait to see the finished head.
Re: Plo Kloon WIP

That is very cool!

Amazing attention to detail. Very life-like.

Great job!
Re: Plo Kloon WIP

That thing is amazing. As a character that doesnt get much love, that is a great job.
Re: Plo Kloon WIP

wow thats 2 incredible sculpts right there, congrats, can't wait to see the progress on this
Re: Plo Kloon WIP

I was going to do my own, but I doubt it will be this good. hehe nice work.
Re: Plo Kloon WIP

I think that makes the real mask look like crap. simply stunning work man!
Re: Plo Kloon WIP

Amazing sculpt! Plo Koon is probably one of the few characters I actually liked from the prequels, lol.
Finished the goggles yesterday. They are going to be held to the mask by magnets so there are no issues with hiding the fixings.
Decided to totally remake a face mask as I wasn't happy with how the tusks were sitting plus it was a bit on the heavy side! (that's the old face mask in the pic)

The new version is way lighter and is much more refined as I got rid of most of the casting joins and got a better finish from the bronze resin.
yea man this is going to be a great build up. how did you make the goggles and facemask btw?
Amazing work! And all details looks perfect!
Looks so Steampunk-ish)