Please help identify,possible original Harryhausen


Well-Known Member
Hey folks,
A friend of mine here in Toronto is in the entertainment industry.
About 8 years ago somebody gave this to him as a gift.
He thinks it is a Ray Harryhausen original cyclops.
It sure looks similar to a 7 voyages of sinbad cyclops.
But it is I think taller than what Harryhausen used. This cyclops is about 30 inches from hoof to horn.
He is definetley some sort of foam,and has a poseable metal armature inside.
He also doesn't share all the same details, his legs are bare, the ones in the movie were fur covered.
He definetley has a similar pattern on his chest,and his head shape seems correct.
I was thinking of trying to get his armature under an xray to see what it actually looks like.
I'll post a few pics and see if anyone can figure out this mystery.
Any info will be most appreciated.





Could be a walking puppet. It certainly has got similar details.

I would rule out a close up puppet. Face doesn't seem to match the close-up shots.
Definitely not the original. The original was cannibalized for parts years ago, if I remember correctly from my Harryhausen books...


Plus, the original would have been much, much smaller. More like 12" tall max. None of Harryhausen's creatures were very big. However, whatever it is from, it is definitely inspired by the 7th Voyage Cyclops for sure.
It certainly is a puzzle.
I am not saying it is THE one from Sinbad, because it is lacking in a lot of details.
The hairy legs,no teeth in the mouth, bumps on the shoulders, etc.
Its even an odd size.
Makes me wonder if it wasn't some sort of stand in,or stunt puppet.
Or something for far away shots.
Or heck, maybe it isn't a Harryhausen piece at all.
If anyone knows of any experts on the subject that I could get in touch with, I would certainly appreciate it.
How about Ray's email addy :)
That doesn'tlook anyhting like a Harry piece at all to me. I looked through my books and see nothing like that . To me it looks like many a monster piece I have rented for halloween parties from prop shops. Most of the pieces are things like foam with wire armatures so they can be somewhat posed and hooked to the floor for display purposes.
Thanks for your reply.
Brief, non informative, and perhaps a little bitting, but still a reply.
Not terribly helpful though.
Thanks for your reply.
Brief, non informative, and perhaps a little bitting, but still a reply.
Not terribly helpful though.

seemed informative to me. maybe he didn't say what you hoped to hear?

Good luck, though. Hope you uncover it's history, famous model or not.
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If anybody has any ideas as to what this is,it would be most helpful.
Or any ideas where I might search for more accurate info.
To me it looks like many a monster piece I have rented for halloween parties from prop shops..

That seems like a pretty good clue to me. Didn't seem biting, seemed concise. Bob Burns might could help, and he answers the phone and e-mails about questions like this. He's the one to ask since Forry's passing.

Harryhausen seems to do a lot of appearances, I would try to get it to him, if you really think it has some connection to the original film production.
This look for a monster ha been borrowed many times. The first thing that popped into my head when I saw this was Flesh Gordon!
There's no way that's Harryhausens.

An early pre-RPFers' copy of the cyclops, based on what he/she remembered of the real thing.

Some skills involved there anyway. But not up to Harryhausens level.