Pirates Of The Caribbean Online Video Game Launch


Sr Member
Taken at The Grove Los Angeles. They had set up the replica of the Black Pearl that was at Comic-Con 2007.

I was being chased all over by younglings and having my picture taken about every two feet! Fun overall and making younglings happy!!:lol




There's never too much fun to be had if you're Jack! Savvy??

Lol, Jack sparrows are taking over the RPF

Wediz: Your costume looks fabulous! In the most completely un-eunuch-y way! :D

Kay-lay lam. Lam piki-piki. Lam eensy
weensy. Lam say-say... eunuchy. Snip-snip.
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A boogie snickle snickle, savvy? (Pelegostos for Thank You...i think....or is it "I take my human legs medium well!"

Looking for another event to wear this thing to! Need to get more usage out the props considering it took me over 9 months to complete!!!!:lol