Pepsi is making Pepsi Perfect? BTTF

Exactly, why actually go through the effort of making a commercial and marketing campaign for something you simply don't have enough of. I really do hope this whole 6500 number is BS. It's insanely too low.


Exactly, that commercial and airetime alone would cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I had the same thoughts on the commercial. It doesn't make sense to me to create a commercial for something so limited. Then again, they made a great ad for the 2011 Nike Mags, and those were even more limited (OTOH they were also much more expensive too). Maybe I'm just being hopeful!
Just wait...

Charity Auction on eBay for the 5000 bottles in a single auction. Bid on how many you want and at what price. The ebay computers will figure out who has the highest bids and then Pepsi gives 10% to MJF.

Tell me that wouldn't make your blood boil... :)

Is the Back to the Future franchise cursed or something? Every time a licensed "replica" or BTTF product comes out, it never fails that true fans are disappointed in one way or another. It seems I can only count on other BTTF fans or myself to create and collect the props I love and want so badly.
Is the Back to the Future franchise cursed or something? Every time a licensed "replica" or BTTF product comes out, it never fails that true fans are disappointed in one way or another. It seems I can only count on other BTTF fans or myself to create and collect the props I love and want so badly.

^This (inoverpriced Mr. Fusion, innacurate Flux Capacitor, innacurate future hat, innacurate hoverboard, innacurate Shah Safari shirt, limited Nike, no Nike Bruins, etc...)

Sometimes I wish I was a Star Wars fan instead.
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Not disagreeing too much on all the other stuff, but the Mr Fusion really isn't all that bad for $300. It's not 100% correct, but it's the closest you will ever get without spending a heck of a lot more money.

Back to bashing Pepsi for their low numbered, innacurate, and probably impossible to get product :)
By the end of the day every major news publication will be talking about Pepsi Perfect and they will be doing so for free. That alone is worth more than the $130,000 they will make from selling the bottles.

The cost of the commercial plus the cost of the ad spot (Saturday night at 11:30pm on Adult Swim I believe?) probably still cost a fraction of what it would take to get Beyonce or someone of that level to do a Pepsi commercial.

It's all relative but Pepsi is getting a lot of bang for it's buck with this release.
Here are some additional details from THR.

"Pepsi plans to release Pepsi Perfect online in a limited run of 6,500 bottles, available while supplies last. Each bottle will be furnished in a special case, and while the bottle will be new, the Pepsi formula will be the same as an already existing version of the soda — Pepsi Made with Real Sugar — because after all, the future is now.

Pepsi will also celebrate the film at New York Comic Con this month at the Javits Center, sponsoring a Back to the Future II-themed panel discussion and even recreating a booth inspired by "Café '80s," featuring a DeLorean and even a Wild Gunman arcade game. Each day of the conference, the first 200 fans who come dressed as Mary McFly will earn themselves their very own Pepsi Perfect."

So they are expecting hundreds of attendees in Marty costume. That will be quite a sight. I wonder what would really qualify as a Marty costume for them. I imagine lot of scalpers just showing up in regular clothes with just an added red vest to qualify as Marty.
Here are some additional details from THR.

"Each bottle will be furnished in a special case,..."

Special case, well at least that's something. That considered, the price point isn't bad. But if they were going to all of the trouble to make a special case, why couldn't they make the shape accurate?! I get the need to have a twist-off cap because of the pressure as opposed to a straw, but they didn't need to change the shape. Gary posted an actual tracing and dimensions of a real bottle a while back. One hour of research by Pepsi could have revealed this, and we could've gotten an awesome product.

But I'll just tell myself that we are in an alternate 2015 timeline as compared to that of the movie, and that certain things will not occur in our 2015 as it did in the movie 2015. If I want an accurate replica, I'll get one turned on a lathe using Gary's tracing. This Pepsi offering will be the our timeline's version of the bottle. :)
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Pepsi will also celebrate the film at New York Comic Con this month at the Javits Center, sponsoring a Back to the Future II-themed panel discussion and even recreating a booth inspired by "Café '80s," featuring a DeLorean and even a Wild Gunman arcade game. Each day of the conference, the first 200 fans who come dressed as Mary McFly will earn themselves their very own Pepsi Perfect."

I'm going as 2015 Marty for Comic Con. I haven't heard anything about the panel or the cafe 80's booth. I hope they end up mass producing the Pepsi perfect so people can get them.
I truly don't understand why HUGE companies do this. It really makes no sense at all. Why would they not want to sell these worldwide?
It reminds me of that other company that makes sneakers. Only these are freaking bottles! They should be able to crank these out like nothing.
So 200 bottles a day x 4 days is 800 - what are they going to do with the other 700? They said 1500 were for the con.