Painting Robocop


Sr Member

I recently finished a sculpture of Robocop and wanted to paint it as in robocop 2.

I checked out the other threads that asked where to get the flip paint to achieve the blue purple tint effect, one suggested looking at I looked at this site but they only seem to do red,green or orange flip paint.

I was thinking of getting some Alclad II Sapphire deep blue to ultra violate/purple, to spray over a silver base coat.

Does anybody know if this would have the desired effect, or know if there is another flip paint i should get?

Here's my Robo

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You sculpted this? Very nice.
Sorry i don't have any advice on the paint,but i'm sure someone here will.:thumbsup
Thanks for the comments, the taxidermy paints look interesting. I'll post some more pictures when it's painted
If you go to thomas models forum or the starship modeler forum the board member Raist has been using them on his enterprise refit.
You can also try Liquitex Interference colors. While they don't flip per se, they will give you a nice flash of color when viewed from different angles. The blue and violet should work well on this piece.

Excellent sculpt BTW!
Thanks for all the help with the paints and positive feedback. Here's a few more pictures. I did a rough sculpt of the chin and helmet with water based clay then cast it in resin, then sanded that down and added the details like screws and air vents. The face was sculpted with Supersculpey, then i added some pipes coming out the neck for a i've just been in a fight with a bigger robot and lost look!!


Great sculpt.....I have a Robocop head myself.....I just went with metallic silver. I, as well, could not figure how to do the multi color look effectively.

I recently finished a sculpture of Robocop and wanted to paint it as in robocop 2.

I checked out the other threads that asked where to get the flip paint to achieve the blue purple tint effect, one suggested looking at I looked at this site but they only seem to do red,green or orange flip paint.

I was thinking of getting some Alclad II Sapphire deep blue to ultra violate/purple, to spray over a silver base coat.

Does anybody know if this would have the desired effect, or know if there is another flip paint i should get?

Here's my Robo


I have the little Robocopfigure(one coin figure) from Kotobukia from the "Robocoptrilogy-Collection".On ebay you can get one for 8 Euros.The paintjob is can look at the right colors if you want( 2 differnt blues and a violet)...but for an 1:1-"Murphy",I would use glossy shine over it for finish.It´s the Robofigure with the Auto-9 Gun.:cool
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Woa! That is a really, really nice sculpt! But I would one need to go with dulled matallic almost matte like silver paint, then touch it up with some black burnishes then coat the whole thing with gloss. I know it may sound simply when posting but harder when painting..
I have a studio made Robocop suit, and it was painted blue, with fleck haze of purple around the edges. Hope that helps, and great work on the head, and helmet.
The paint job turned out very nice on my Robocop helmet. I spray painted it with silver from a can first, then misted in purple and blue with an airbrush before clear coating it with a can. I then sanded it smooth and T-cut it to a mirror finish.

It all went wrong the first few goes at painting it though, as i tried to spray the purple and blue from a can also, but the cans spit out loads of dots of paint which look a mess.

So you really need an airbrush for it to look nice.

Thanks again for all the ideas for painting bucket head.

I just thought i might be a good idea if all the people who have painted one could post there version on this thread.

I'd love to see some examples and perhaps a breif description on how it was done.

I'll post some pictures of mine when its finished.
Depending on if you want a polished look (polished aluminium or chrome) or a matte look (regular aluminium), I would use either Alclad II #s105, 107, or 101 followed by a mist of #204 (prismatic deep saphire blue to ultra violet).

Here's a link to Aclad II

Click on Lacquers, then any of the images to the right and follow the link to the color swatch samples.

That would probably be the best way to get the silver base and a prismatic color change.


I've finally finished molding and casting Robocop's head. Yippee!!!!

I tried to get the change paint effect from the second film by using alclad prismatic deep saphire blue to ultra violet, but found that spraying it onto silver had no effect at all. I tried some of it on gloss black and it worked very well though. So still searching for some change paint to alter the silver.

Here are the pictures, i've gone with the colour from the first movie.

Oh and i've started selling them on e-bay if anyone is interested in getting one








