I have a Serenity kit and have been a bit too intimidated to try the painting..beyond my base coat. I have painted it with a metallic aluminum (from a spray can) and a mist of flat black to darken it slightly. I am happy with that as a base coat..BUT how do I proceed?
I will use this image as a guide, but I'm not sure exactly how to pull this off. I have some basic airbrush experience and recently got a Badger Anthem airbrush.
I want to work with acrylics since it is COLD outside and I will be doing this in my basement so fumes are an issue.
At this point I am thinking of using some black misting to accentuate the burns, edges etc. I guess that should be done last. SOmehow I want to mask off panels here and there since some are lighter and some darker etc etc.
For parts where the pait is worn I was thinking of either trying to duplicate the patterns by hand..or paint it on..and try using masking tape to pull paint off here and there.
I guess my next step should be a black wash (black acrylic diluted with water or windex?)
Anyways any suggestions or procedures will be appreciated. Kind of a step by step of how is what I am looking for.
Thanks guys..this oe is a little beyond my current skill llevel and I don't want to do a poor job.
I will use this image as a guide, but I'm not sure exactly how to pull this off. I have some basic airbrush experience and recently got a Badger Anthem airbrush.
I want to work with acrylics since it is COLD outside and I will be doing this in my basement so fumes are an issue.
At this point I am thinking of using some black misting to accentuate the burns, edges etc. I guess that should be done last. SOmehow I want to mask off panels here and there since some are lighter and some darker etc etc.
For parts where the pait is worn I was thinking of either trying to duplicate the patterns by hand..or paint it on..and try using masking tape to pull paint off here and there.
I guess my next step should be a black wash (black acrylic diluted with water or windex?)
Anyways any suggestions or procedures will be appreciated. Kind of a step by step of how is what I am looking for.
Thanks guys..this oe is a little beyond my current skill llevel and I don't want to do a poor job.