Pact With The Devil


New Member
Hi All,

I've been working on Johnny Blaze's 'Pactum Pactorum' with Mephisto from "Ghost Rider", but the best screen caps I've been able to manage from the DVD are, in a word, crappy.

Does anybody have the text from the pact they'd be willing to share? Or could some kind soul maybe do a screen cap from the Blu-Ray of the unfurling of the scroll (about 12 min. 25 sec. in on the 2-disc extended DVD)?

I was intending to make both a movie version & a version drawing from actual medieval Pacts Satani just for my own collecting, but if anybody's interested I'll post 'em in the Free Paper Prop thread when I'm done.

C'mon, help a (not so) Infernal brother out... :)

Thanks in advance,
Darcjedi -

That's perfect! Exactly what I was hoping for (easily 10 times better than my DVD captures) - Thank you very much for taking the time to do that! Like I said, I'll post my results in the free paper prop thread.

Thanks again!
Hi Brigandia36,

Thanks to Darcjedi's great screencaps, I'm... getting there. I ran into a snag almost immediately when I tried to transcribe the text -

I can't read Latin.

On it's face this shouldn't be a problem for just copying down the words, but where letters or series of letters are unclear, I can't tell what's a valid word and what isn't (IE in English I can say "Well, it looks like 'harp', but that doesn't make sense in that context... the word must be 'hard'...").

My solution is to use brute force and translate it as I go, which seems to be working, but it's slow going.

Like I said, I can't read Latin, so I'd really appreciate feedback (particularly from anyone who CAN read Latin!) and other people's take on my shoe-horned translations would be great.

The Pact consists of seven paragraphs with the name of the document (Pactum Pactorum) above & the signatures (Mephisto's Sigil and Johnny Blaze's blood) below.

I started with the last (7th) paragraph at the bottom of the page since it's the clearest and am working my way back up the document; I'll list the words I got, their meaning, and then I'll take a shot at trying to translate the paragraph.

Seventh Paragraph:
Ego, Johnny Blaze, ita nominibus sacris Domini Tenebrarum
venio et tibi animam meam in aeternam consecro.

Ego[I-lat], Johnny Blaze[JOHNNY BLAZE-eng], ita[THUS-lat] nominibus[NAME-lat] sacris[SACRED-lat] Domini[LORD-lat] Tenebrarum[DARKNESS-lat]
venio[TO COME-lat] et[AND, BOTH-lat] tibi[YOU-lat] animam[LIFE-lat] meam[MY-lat] in[IN, INTO, TOWARD, AGAINST-lat] aeternam[ETERNAL-lat] consecro[TO DEDICATE/SANCTIFY/CURSE-lat].

(POSSIBLE TRANSLATION: I Johnny Blaze therefore hold sacred the Name of the Lord Of Darkness for all time and dedicate my life to you for all eternity.)

Sixth Paragraph:
Ego, Johnny Blaze, animam meam tibi in lacu ignis aeterni,
in lacu ignis sulfuris catenis constringam,
visi cito veneris, ante hunc orbem ut quae volo facias.

Ego[I-lat], Johnny Blaze[JOHNNY BLAZE-eng], animam[LIFE-lat] meam[MY-lat] tibi[YOU-lat] in[IN, INTO, TOWARD, AGAINST-lat] lacu[LAKE-lat] ignis[FIRE-lat] aeterni[ETERNITY-lat],
in[IN, INTO, TOWARD, AGAINST-lat] lacu[LAKE-lat] ignis[FIRE-lat] sulfuris[SULFUR(BRIMSTONE)-lat] catenis[CHAIN-lat] constringam[TO BIND-lat],
visi[SIGHT/VISION-lat] cito[QUICKLY-lat] veneris[COME/APPROACH-lat], ante[BEFORE/PREVIOUSLY-lat] hunc[THIS-lat] orbem[WORLD-lat] ut[THAT-lat] quae[WHO, WHAT, WHICH-lat] volo[WISH/WANT/WILL/ORDAIN-lat] facias[MAY DO-lat].

(POSSIBLE TRANSLATION: I Johnny Blaze pledge my life to You against the promise of eternal flame, bound and chained in a lake of fire and brimstone, that Your vision will quickly come to this world as before, Your Will Be Done.)

Well, I'm off to work - I'll post more later.
Thanks in advance for any help!
My friend is not at home so I decide to try something ...

Latin correctors wanted !!!

Here we go :

Ego Johnny Blaze, imperio Satani, tidi dico me
... ..., nomini Domini Tenebrarum,
... ... Fratribus ortis terrarum administrem.

Ego, Johnny Blaze, te convoco, O Spiritae, O Domini Tenebrarum,
nominibus omnibus Mastrinimis? efficacitum Domini magni
... Dei Hostium, veni coleritar et ... mora,
... ex parte orbis es, da quad postulo, veni
... , ... corridor, fare intelligibile,
que inbelfegam.

Ego, Johnny Blaze, te convoco compelloque?, O Domine
Tenebrarum ... omnibus iam dictia, et septem afiis
niminibus quibus Solomon te comitesque vasis santis

Ego, Johnny Blaze, declaro ante lunc orbem, perfice omnia?
opae scelesta? ... mihi. Nivi? pares, nivi vevis, imperio Supremi
Domini Sempiterni Dei, qui te meque totum ardem omniaque ...
Siebus? creavit.

Ego, Johnny Blaze, te bevovebo?, tuo officio gandio? numere
decipiam, te in ineo tarathro vinciam
unque as Diem ludicli.

Ego, Johnny Blaze, animam meam tibi in lacu? ignis aeterni,
in lacu? ignis sulfuris catenis constringam,
vini cita? veneris, ante hunc orbem ut quae volo? facias.

Ego, Johnny Blaze, ita nominibus sacris Domini tenebrarum
venio et tibi animam meam in aeternam consecro.
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Hi All,

I think I've got most of the 5th paragraph (Brigandia36: it's disappointing but somehow oddly vindicating that you also got %&^*#$! "bevovebo"! I can't find it referenced anywhere, so I'm guessing we're wrong or it's two words mashed together...)

Fifth Paragraph: (***MISSING 1 WORD***)

Ego, Johnny Blaze, de bevovebo[???], duo officio gaudio monere decipiam,
te in imo barathro vinciam,
usque ad Diem Ludicii.

Ego[I-lat], Johnny Blaze[JOHNNY BLAZE-eng], de[CONCERNING-lat] bevovebo[???], duo[TWO-lat] officio[DUTY/SERVICE-lat] gaudio[JOY/HAPPINESS-lat] monere[CAUTION/WARN/ADVISE/NOTIFY-lat]
decipiam[ENSNARE/TRAP/DECEIVE/CHEAT/ELUDE-lat], te[YOU-lat] in[IN, INTO, TOWARD, AGAINST-lat] imo[BOTTOM OF-lat] barathro[PIT-lat] vinciam[BIND/SURROUND/GUARD-lat],
usque[ALL THE WAY/UP TO/EVEN WITH-lat] ad[TO/TOWARD-lat] Diem[DAY-lat] Ludicii[JUDGEMENT-lat].

(POSSIBLE TRANSLATION: I Johnny Blaze ???...trapped in the Pit, bound until Judgement Day.) Unfortunately, the meaning of that middle section seems to hinge on whatever "bevovebo" is.

Ehhh, my eyes are bleeding again (from straining to read & this odd sulphurous stench...) so I'm off to bed. Again, I'll post more later.

Thanks very much for the help Brigandia36!


I think you're correct with the 6th word ("tuo" rather than my "duo") and while I couldn't find any references to "devotedo", I think your take on the "d" cracked it - "devovebo"!

My revised 5th paragraph is below:

Fifth Paragraph:

Ego, Johnny Blaze, de devovebo, tuo officio gaudio monere decipiam,
te in imo barathro vinciam,
usque ad Diem Ludicii.

Ego[I-lat], Johnny Blaze[JOHNNY BLAZE-eng], de[CONCERNING-lat] devovebo[TO SACRIFICE/CONSECRATE/CURSE-lat], tuo[YOU-lat] officio[DUTY/SERVICE-lat] gaudio[JOY/HAPPINESS-lat] monere[CAUTION/WARN/ADVISE/NOTIFY-lat]
decipiam[ENSNARE/TRAP/DECEIVE/CHEAT/ELUDE-lat], te[YOU-lat] in[IN, INTO, TOWARD, AGAINST-lat] imo[BOTTOM OF-lat] barathro[PIT-lat] vinciam[BIND/SURROUND/GUARD-lat],
usque[ALL THE WAY/UP TO/EVEN WITH-lat] ad[TO/TOWARD-lat] Diem[DAY-lat] Ludicii[JUDGEMENT-lat].

(POSSIBLE TRANSLATION: I Johnny Blaze understand I am cursed and will rejoice in my duty to You or be trapped in the Pit, bound until Judgement Day.)

I'll post more later.

Thanks for all the assistance Brigandia36!

Hi All,

I think I've got the 4th paragraph; as always, any words of help or advice (or professional Latin translators, exorcists, etc.) are always welcome!

Fourth Paragraph:

Ego, Johnny Blaze, declaro ante hunc orbem, perfice omnia
quae scelesta sint mihi, Nisi pares, uisi uenis, imperio Supremi
Domini sempiterni Dei, qui te me que totam orbem omnia que sex
diebus creavit.

Ego[I-lat], Johnny Blaze[JOHNNY BLAZE-eng], declaro[PROCLAIM/EXPLAIN/REVEAL-lat] ante[BEFORE/PREVIOUSLY-lat] hunc[THIS-lat] orbem[WORLD-lat], perfice[THOROUGHLY/COMPLETELY/FINISH-lat] omnia[ALL-lat]
quae[WHO, WHAT, WHICH-lat] scelesta[WICKED/ACCURSED-lat] sint[THEY ARE-lat] mihi[ME-lat], Nisi[WITHOUT/UNLESS/EXCEPT/IF NOT-lat] pares[PEERS/EQUALS-lat], uisi[VISITATION-lat] uenis[APPROACH/COME/ARRIVE-lat], imperio[RULER-lat] Supremi[SUPREME-lat]
Domini[LORD-lat] sempiterni[EVERLASTING-lat] Dei[GOD-lat], qui[WHO-lat] te[YOU-lat] me[ME-lat] que[THAT-lat] totam[TOTAL/ENTIRE/ALL-lat] orbem[WORLD-lat] omnia[ALL THINGS-lat] que[THAT-lat] sex[SIX-lat]
diebus[DAY-lat] creavit[CREATED-lat].

(POSSIBLE TRANSLATION: I Johnny Blaze proclaim before all the world, I will be the the most wicked person in all the world, until the Second Coming of Everlasting God, Supreme Lord of all things, who created the world in six days.

I'll post more later.

Not a latin speaker or reader here, but this sounds like an awesome prop!

Can't wait to see it finished!
Hi All,

Sorry for the lack of postings; I haven't been near the computer lately (got the flu - human, not swine). I think I've got the 3rd paragraph, but if anyone's got any ideas, alternate word choices, better translations, etc., please share!

Third Paragraph:

Ego, Johnny Blaze, de convoco compelloque, O Dominus
Tenebrarum, nominibus omnibus iam dictis, et septam afiis
nominibus quidus Solomon de comitesque in vasis sencis

Ego[I-lat], Johnny Blaze[JOHNNY BLAZE-eng], de[CONCERNING-lat] convoco[SUMMON- lat] compelloque[DRIVE TOGETHER/COMPEL/FORCE-lat], O Dominus
Tenebrarum[OH, LORD OF DARKNESS-lat], nominibus[NAME-lat] omnibus[ALL-lat] iam[NOW/ALREADY/IMMEDIATELY/SOON-lat] dictis[SAYING/WORD-lat], et[AND/BOTH-lat] septam[ENCLOSE/FENCE IN-lat] afiis[BRING/GIVE/IMPART-lat]
nominibus[NAME-lat] quidus[BY WHICH-lat] Solomon[King Solomon-lat] de[CONCERNING-lat] comitesque[COURTEOUSLY-lat] in[IN, INTO, TOWARD, AGAINST-lat] vasis[VESSEL-lat] sencis[OLD AGE-lat]

(POSSIBLE TRANSLATION: I Johnny Blaze am compelled to summon Thee, Oh Lord Of Darkness, I am already calling Your name, the name by which Solomon was compelled to summon you and was thus trapped for the remainder of his long life.)

I'll post more later.

Mike (sniffle sneeze cough drip)

P.S. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Chris!