Our "Jurassic Park" cryocan - in progress...

That looks pretty awesome! I've seen tutorials for achieving a "chrome" look using spraypaint and for some reason they all tend to recommend a black basecoat. Have you tried it by chance?
I haven't followed any tutorials with the painting up to this point, (I have looked at quite a number of forum posts here & elsewhere, plus watched various YouTube videos & such but I haven't used any of them as a framework for my painting...if that makes any sense... :) ).

I'm doing a second set of tests now on pieces of the 2nd print that will need a bit of sanding anyway, as well as the pieces from the first print which were painted with a dark gray acrylic before getting to the point you see in the photo above. That would fall in line with your black basecoat...except not as black, I suppose. :D

Does that qualify as trying the method you're referencing? {Not trying to be a pain, I really have just sorta' been following whatever direction makes sense to me at the time I have time & space to continue paint testing... :) }
Very nice job! Great to see you actually taking the time to do this yourself rather than buying one that was already made. Not a dig on Rylo by any means. His replica can is top notch and he deserves many kudos as well.
Being a Shapeways user myself, I look forward to seeing this show up over there so I can check out the model myself. Keep up the great work.
Not exactly but close. I've seen people achieve pretty nice looking chrome finishes using a gloss black basecoat then hitting it with something like this:


I believe the gloss black basecoat adds depth and shine to the chrome effect. Give it a try on your next attempt! It might look really good :)

To be more specific the shinyness comes from the gloss in the basecoat, if it's a matte basecoat then it won't be shiny. Also those products generally don't stay nice and shiny for very long.
"Well, uh... uh... there it is."

Judging by the T-800 thumbnail I'm guessing you've tried this technique? How long does it stay looking good?
I don't have that much experience with it :p depends on the brand but a crap-one I have tried only stayed shiny for a week or two, then it needed some buffing. But buffing it any more made the paint simply come off.

Regarding duplicolor:
" Dupli-color's chrome has a huge tendency to clog after it's use. even when following the directions and turning the can upside down and "clearing" it does not help. I've had two can's become unusable."
Testing Chrome in a can.. - YouTube
There is also Krylon, Rustoleum and Alsa Spray On Chrome.

Like I mentioned on page 2, Alclad is pretty darn good:
Alclad in Action | Alclad2.com
High Shine | Alclad2.com

Some people have used glossy grey and even white basecoat which makes the finish brighter, though not more shiny mind you.
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Like I mentioned on page 2, Alclad is pretty darn good:
Alclad in Action | Alclad2.com
High Shine | Alclad2.com

Some people have used glossy grey and even white basecoat which makes the finish brighter, though not more shiny mind you.

Well, I did do a bit of digging into Alclad, but ultimately didn't go that way cause' there wasn't a local source...& I'm broke most of the time. I won't bother folks with the details of why, (I've posted about it a little in the past - it's not because I'm a waster o' cash or anything like that). :)

The project has sorta' been in a holding pattern for a couple weeks now, as the temperature/weather has gotten too cold to do much painting...
Well, I did do a bit of digging into Alclad, but ultimately didn't go that way cause' there wasn't a local source...& I'm broke most of the time. I won't bother folks with the details of why, (I've posted about it a little in the past - it's not because I'm a waster o' cash or anything like that). :)

The project has sorta' been in a holding pattern for a couple weeks now, as the temperature/weather has gotten too cold to do much painting...

Same here. I'm waiting for this damn scandinavian winter to GTFO :p I have bought a few Alclads from the UK :D
The UK you say, hmm good to know for when I get around to doing my Indy idol :D

eBay to be more specific ;) Amazon wouldn't ship to my location so.... "sod off amazon" :p

The project has sorta' been in a holding pattern for a couple weeks now, as the temperature/weather has gotten too cold to do much painting...

Well you have mentioned that you're taking it slow and so you should :) Stuff tend to "not go so well" when you rush ;)
Funny I have 3 clasic full size cans now that I've been holding on to.......

Well, if you're waiting on me, my apologies. :) I'm not the speediest guy when it comes to this stuff. I'm always incredibly impressed with folks on here who are able to create masterpiece type stuff in what seems like no time.

For what it's worth here are the things I've had to keep in mind/issues I've got with the model that I probably WON'T take the time to correct at this point:
1: The tolerance of the rotating base is REALLY slim. Basically, it'll fit & rotate but I'm planning on adding just the slightest amount o' lubricant once I've finished to help with the movement. Also the piece I made to lock it into place, (not visible from outside the model), needs to be sanded down a bit to fit perfectly, (I believe that this is more due to the +/- in the tolerance of the printing rather than the 3D model itself - I've gone over the model repeatedly to check that bit...).
2: The locking function of the pop-up bit isn't what I'd like it to be, (there's probably a more efficient/elegant way to accomplish it than I went with...but I'm not an engineer, Captain! ;) ). It'll work for me but if you're looking for it to be flawless, it's not gonna' be there without some effort.
3: A screw will need to be tapped/added at the bottom of the model, independent o' what I've made. Sorta' the locking mechanism to keep it all together...
4: The spacing of the part that holds the micro-centrifuge tubes to the rotating base is probably slightly more than it should be. I don't think it's enough to warrant another month of time of modeling for me, (cause' I'm an amateur 3D modeler, perhaps mediocre at best), but it's worth noting.
Having said all that, I'm very pleased with how it turned out in terms of appearance. In fact, I'm astonished that I managed to do it with no other reference outside of photos of the prop & the dimensions from a Barbasol can & some tubes. :)

As I've mentioned previously, when I finish & let it out into the wild for other folks to mess around with, it'll definitely be something that other folks will have to put some work into finishing, (for me, that's part o' the fun...).

I never expected to get anywhere near the beauty of the one Rylo offers, but hoped to come up with something I could personally finish up & be reasonably pleased with. When I've finally got the painting figured & finished up my 2nd print, I'll still make it available for folks but I don't want anyone to be misled as to what they'd be getting.

[I've toyed with the idea of working with other folks here on the board to further refine the model but I'd like to make sure that I don't wind up in a situation where some less than reliable individuals - recasters or otherwise - take all the work I've put into it & leave me hangin'. :D Anyway, having that sort of collaboration would certainly be a way to get closer to a model that addresses the issues I mentioned, but I haven't really explored that up to this point...]

Finally, I'm NOT soliciting interest or anything of that nature. Just riffing on what I plan on doing when I eventually get to a 'finished' state on the one I'm working on. :)
Another RPF member contacted me about a print o' my model, a few days ago, (I've actually been contacted a number of times about that sort of thing but this is the first time by a member who has actually been around for a while).

I've been working on a static 3D model & hooked him up with an .stl exported from Sketchup of said static model that he's going to be able to print through his local library, (kinda' nifty that a library not far from him is part of a grant that got them a 3D printer).

He's gonna' post pics/build progress here when he's started, with his printing, er, appointment set for April 7. :D

I'm sorta' excited to see someone else use my model as a starting point...
[...& I'm not ready to share it with all of creation yet, as I wanna' see how it turns out for him...]
Well, I did do a bit of digging into Alclad, but ultimately didn't go that way cause' there wasn't a local source...& I'm broke most of the time. I won't bother folks with the details of why, (I've posted about it a little in the past - it's not because I'm a waster o' cash or anything like that). :)

The project has sorta' been in a holding pattern for a couple weeks now, as the temperature/weather has gotten too cold to do much painting...

Another RPF member contacted me about a print o' my model, a few days ago, (I've actually been contacted a number of times about that sort of thing but this is the first time by a member who has actually been around for a while).

I've been working on a static 3D model & hooked him up with an .stl exported from Sketchup of said static model that he's going to be able to print through his local library, (kinda' nifty that a library not far from him is part of a grant that got them a 3D printer).

He's gonna' post pics/build progress here when he's started, with his printing, er, appointment set for April 7. :D

I'm sorta' excited to see someone else use my model as a starting point...
[...& I'm not ready to share it with all of creation yet, as I wanna' see how it turns out for him...]

Well, the weather has turned here & I'm gonna' take on finishing up the print that has been gathering dust these past few months, in the next week or so.

Sadly, the static model print didn't work out for the RPF member who gave it a shot through his local library, (folks there didn't quite know how to properly operate the 3D printer, apparently - & at one point wanted me to break the model into 4-5 separate pieces), & he stopped communicating after that...

On another note, I've had folks contact me several times asking for the .stl for the model I created. While I appreciate the time taken to ask, I'm not comfortable throwing all of the work I put into said model out into the wild. :) Knowing how often folks have their hard work recast/stolen around here, I'd prefer to avoid that. As I've said all along, I'm not looking to make money off of it...but I'd prefer that no one else did either. :D

To sum up, for future reference, I'm not willing to share my model...with the exception being reputable, long term RPF members who happen to have a 3D printer & who might want to offer up prints to folks here. I'm NOT soliciting anyone though. :) {Meaning this is not an offer to sell in any way, shape, or form.}

Anyone who fits that criteria can contact me & we can see about handing the model over to them - gratis - to use for at-cost/near-cost printing. Issues with the model previously referenced would still remain, of course.
So, I'm just about finished. :) Have to find a gasket for the thing, do the final cut on the 'Barbasol' can, (the safety can cut, initially used, isn't going to work since the gasket has to go past the slight indentation at the bottom of the can - if you have a can you can take a look at the indented area round' the rim at the bottom & see what I'm talking about), & label/fill the microcentrifuge tubes.

I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.

In progress painting pics, (collage):

Finished pics, (collage):

Finished pic - edited:

Finished pic - next to can:

...it's down to the little details now & I'm glad to be done with most of the work, honestly. :)
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