Our "Jurassic Park" cryocan - in progress...

Comparison of 1st prototype to 2nd. {2nd fits PERFECTLY in the hollowed out can! :D }

Wow, that looks absolutely great !

Once you give it a good paint job, insert the vials and place the O ring, I am sure you will not be able to tell the difference at all from a metal one when its on display !

Any further functionality you are trying to achieve is merely the cherry on the cake.

I have a functioning metal one, which is just on display in a cabinet. I can image your finished one, and it will look identical, certainly capturing the spirit of the prop !

Very well done on this project :):thumbsup

And double kudos for having so much fun doing it ! It shows that you did :D

That's the spirit :cheers
Re: Our "Jurassic Park" cryocan - in progress...

Wow, that looks absolutely great !

Once you give it a good paint job, insert the vials and place the O ring, I am sure you will not be able to tell the difference at all from a metal one when its on display !

Any further functionality you are trying to achieve is merely the cherry on the cake.

I have a functioning metal one, which is just on display in a cabinet. I can image your finished one, and it will look identical, certainly capturing the spirit of the prop !

Very well done on this project :):thumbsup

And double kudos for having so much fun doing it ! It shows that you did :D

That's the spirit :cheers

Thanks! High praise from you, sir. Very flattered. :$

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Great job! :thumbsup
I need one for my can :(

Thanks! :) Well, I can't say when I'll be satisfied with what I've made so far, but - eventually - I'll make the 3d print available for other folks to use as they see fit via the same place I've printed the prototype. So, if you're not in a hurry... :D
Re: Our "Jurassic Park" cryocan - in progress...

Thanks! High praise from you, sir. Very flattered. :$

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Thanks! :) Well, I can't say when I'll be satisfied with what I've made so far, but - eventually - I'll make the 3d print available for other folks to use as they see fit via the same place I've printed the prototype. So, if you're not in a hurry... :D

Thanks a lot mate. :thumbsup And no I'm not in a hurry. I can wait because I really want one ;)
Well, linking the video proved to be a giant pain. :) Anyway, little clip of the prototype 'cryocan' in action/use -- in the previous post.
I'd love to have a cryocan for my JP Explorer but I'm not ready to drop a few hundy on one. Any chance I can get the 3D printed insert you created for a good deal? It's not canon for the film, I know but it would be cool to have one... even if it just rolls around in my glovebox.


Someone snapped this of my Explorer last night while I was at Pappasitos. Help a fellow JP lover out bro! Now that I think about it I have no clue if 3D printing is any more affordable than the metal Rylo (or similar) cans.
I'd love to have a cryocan for my JP Explorer but I'm not ready to drop a few hundy on one. Any chance I can get the 3D printed insert you created for a good deal? It's not canon for the film, I know but it would be cool to have one... even if it just rolls around in my glovebox.


Someone snapped this of my Explorer last night while I was at Pappasitos. Help a fellow JP lover out bro! Now that I think about it I have no clue if 3D printing is any more affordable than the metal Rylo (or similar) cans.

Well, as I suspect other folks are annoyed at my having said before, I'll make it available for folks to print when I get the thing to a point where I'm satisfied with it, (working on trying to get the proper metallic finish on the model now), but it would be a very DIY sorta' thing since it would just be a raw print. Can't speak to the pricing of it cause' I'm not offering it up for sale or drumming up interest in it, (I tend to leave the thread alone unless I've got an update or someone else pops for a post). :)

I've managed to remove a significant amount of the material involved in the print, (between the first & second prints I did), & I'm trudging along from there.

If & when I ever reach a point that I'm personally satisfied with what I'm making, I'll put something in the Junkyard...but - as I've mentioned to folks earlier along in this thread - I suspect this will take quite a while, possibly verging on the edge of forever. ;)
Finally got some paint testing done. Three pics.

1: The paints used, (I had already painted the 1st print with dark gray acrylic, several weeks ago, & you can see that contrast in earlier pics I posted of comparisons between the 1st & 2nd print).


2: Unpainted, (excluding the acrylic), & primed x2, (top piece).


3: The first 'finished', test painted piece, (it's from the first print & won't be the one I'll ultimately use, but it's to make sure I've got the colors as close as possible), on a stainless steel table...


I think the color is a bit too shiny, so I think I'll need to find another metallic paint to test on another piece...but I think it's actually looking really good. :D
Re: Our "Jurassic Park" cryocan - in progress...

I love this - going to keep an eye out for your 3d file - this is one of my most iconic props from my childhood. man i love that film. Awesome work

It was one of my most icon childhood pieces. I know lharles wont mind me hijacking his thread to say that if you can you really should get in on Rylo's last ever run of cans in the Junkyard now before they're gone for good. I cant describe how happy I was when I got mine. If you don't know, Barbasol have changed their amzingly unique can design after who knows how many years, so any kind of cryo will become very scarce soon.

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Bloody hell that's the stuff of nightmares! I bet Malcolm would've run faster with one of them chasing him!

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Should I paint the model purple...? ;)
Like a special Barney collector's edition? :lol
Re: Our "Jurassic Park" cryocan - in progress...

It was one of my most icon childhood pieces. I know lharles wont mind me hijacking his thread to say that if you can you really should get in on Rylo's last ever run of cans in the Junkyard now before they're gone for good. I cant describe how happy I was when I got mine. If you don't know, Barbasol have changed their amzingly unique can design after who knows how many years, so any kind of cryo will become very scarce soon.

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Bloody hell that's the stuff of nightmares! I bet Malcolm would've run faster with one of them chasing him!

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Like a special Barney collector's edition? :lol

Nope, don't mind at all. :) Rylo's cans are certainly the pinnacle o' replicas when it comes to the cryocan. This is mostly my pursuit of making one with limited funds over a long period o' time, (& realistically, if I'd saved the cash OVER that length of time - during the modeling, printing, etc. - I probably could have just bought one of Rylo's cans outright).

I do plan on sharing what I've done with folks when I'm done BUT I can't even begin to tell you when that will be.

...& sure, we could do a special Barney collector's edition. :D ;)
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