Origins of the AA/SDS Armor










I see AA has been tinkering. Look at how he has extended the strip from the AB buttons on GH's compared to Rigomoris's.


Originally posted by Bryancd@Jan 4 2006, 03:07 PM
Wow, they don't look anything alike...

Agreed most pieces don't look anything like the comparison pics of the GF there are some big differences.

I had heard GF had some access to some real ROTJ armour pieces and made them look ANH. If this is true does anyone know which pieces of the GF armour are taken from original ROTJ armour and which pieces he made by him from scratch.

Judging by the photos some pieces do have similarities is this due to the ROTJ pieces used in the GF being the offspring of his ANH pieces?

Should we be expecting some GF pieces to look like SDS or not?

Any pics of the handplates?

I think the whole point of this thread was to prove the origins of the SDS armour to be 'allegedly' recast from TE armour which is stated in the first post by TJ.

Does the GF armour have any relation to the TE armour?

Anyway back on topic what are the origins of AA/SDS armour it certainly doesn't look like GF. If it is TE then we will have to see comparison pics of AA next to TE.

Cheers Chris.
It would be nice to see a direct view of Rigomortis' abdomen armor before I could agree with this.

Originally posted by RKW@Jan 4 2006, 07:51 AM
I see AA has been tinkering. Look at how he has extended the strip from the AB buttons on GH's compared to Rigomoris's.

I didn't take comparison pics of the hand plates because I am missing those on my GF suit. :( And as I understand it, the GF and gino suits are from the TE bucks (or from TE's somehow) and logic isuggests that these should all be similar. Likely each maker may have sharpened their bucks a little differently so there will probably be some minor differences.

But looking at my SDS suit in comparison with my GF suit, there are some parts that are very similar to the GF (but none duplicates) such as the upper breastplate, back and some leg parts, but all the detailed parts such as the abdomen armor and grenade etc. have alot of subtle structural differences as well as the details being different. I don't see recasting here. If it is recast, it is cleverly disguised. After taking these shots it made me proud to own this armor made by the original maker, and likely from alot of original forms. And as for the quality, it is very impressive. Sturdy, shiny, clean and with all the straps ready to wear. I am QUITE happy with this suit and would recommend it, especially for the price. And BTW, I still love my GF suit.
Exhibit B.


However, we could do with better images from people who bought early to be fair.

I still like the SDS shoulder armour, very nice. Looks like we may have to pick and mix.
I think everyone will agree that the SDS armour has NOT been cast off a GF set. I agree that more investigation can be done into other armour makers but its clearly not a GF recast.

Therefore, returning to an earlier allegation made by RKW:

Originally posted by RKW @ Sep 28 2005

It does seem as though AA had access to something other than what is claimed, but we do not know who he dealt with that might have offered a suit to him.

Hmmm.........It would have to be someone who knows AA well.........hmmmm..........has a GF suit or even recently sold one............errrmm.........let me think........arrrrrrr...........errrrm......

NOPE. I have no idea either ;)

RKW – Your lame insinuation that I lent AA my GF suit to recast was a serious accusation and one which has now been proven to be completely groundless.

Would you like to apologise now?


Hey I apologize for not going through each of the 10 pages of this thread...but can anyone tell me whether the SDS has different pieces for the left and right calves? I know my GF seems to be using the same part for both sides. May be the same with the forearms.

Thanks for those comparison pics. I love the color of the SDS armor.

The SDS calves are the same sculpture off of different bucks. The forearms are completely different from each other.

Originally posted by Jeeves@Jan 4 2006, 09:48 AM
Hey I apologize for not going through each of the 10 pages of this thread...but can anyone tell me whether the SDS has different pieces for the left and right calves?  I know my GF seems to be using the same part for both sides. May be the same with the forearms.

Thanks for those comparison pics. I love the color of the SDS armor.

Clearly there are a number of components that are drastically different between the SDS armor and the GF armor and there is no doubt in my mind that the GF armor was not the basis for them.

However, I still see more similarities between this newly tweaked version of the SDS AB plate and the GF armor than I do to an original.


Too many things line up to me. The vertical ribs, the curve at the top -- heck, when I overlayed these in Photoshop without even scaling them they were pretty darn close.

My understanding is that the GF AB plate was fan sculpt (done by GF) which makes the coincidence most curious.

This is kind of weird, but may better illustrate what I see.


GH: Any chance of getting some measurements between the vertical ribs and other components? Can you lay the one ab plate over the other (physically, I mean, not in Photoshop or anything) and does anything apprear to line up that way?

Also, just something to consider -- intended as an observation rather than an accusation...although I'm sure the usual suspects will jump all over me for even suggesting such a thing -- HOWEVER:

It seems odd that earlier versions of SDS suits had a stubbier line than GH's.

Also odd is that this seems to be the item that has been most noted as a similarity between the two and the strongest indication of potential recasting.

And yet it has changed...and on the very armor which the future owner said he would post comparisons of on a public forum.

And the future owner experienced some delays in getting his no less.

Hopefully nobody will freak out at what I am suggesting. It's just something that seems a little odd to me is all. No doubt it's just a freak coincidence. ;)

On another note, I don't have any decent reference material or I'd do it myself, but it would be nice to see comparisons of other components of the SDS armor to the screen used stuff just to see what might be from original moulds.


PS. I am not bashing any one here. Just conveying what I see.

PPS. For the record, I think it's a real nice set of armor.
It's sort of odd, some of the pieces have pretty obvious similarities, but some of the other pieces are clearly different. Maybe there are multiple origins of the suit parts. It does look nice though.
I think it is pretty much a given by this point that it is made by THE ORIGINAL MAKER :lol Sorry for that outburst. :lol

The question is how he made it. Isn't it?
Originally posted by jeezycreezy@ Jan 4 2006, 10:37 AM
GH:  Any chance of getting some measurements between the vertical ribs and other components?  Can you lay the one ab plate over the other (physically, I mean, not in Photoshop or anything) and does anything apprear to line up that way?

Well I just packed the stuff away in deep storage (along with the rest of my collection :( ) so I don't forsee pulling it back out anytime soon, but I did take alot of other shots and angles and all that. I'll dig through some more of the pics and get them to you if you like?

It would be good to know what was scratchbuilt by GF. Any chance he might drop by to comment on this?

Also it would be very helpful if an "early" SDS armor owner would take a clear, direct pic of the ab section (similar to mine) for comparison. It looks like there might be differences, but I also know how different angles can visually change things too.
That doesn't matter to everyone clutch............he was still the original maker of all the many derivatives available .....including TE, Gino, GF, etc etc etc etc etc no to me, it doesn't matter even a little bit.

Personally, I've never seen one other fan suit I like more than this one.

Dave :)
GH: Crappy on the lack of accesible measurements. And I'm always happy to look at more stormtrooper pix.

Originally posted by vaderdarth@Jan 4 2006, 07:33 PM
... it doesn't matter even a little bit. 

It must matter just a tiny bit to someone who keeps coming back to the "Origins of the AA/SDS armor"

I keed, I keed. ;)

Besides, I agree that it's nice. That's not really the issue.

I just don't see the logic in saying a nice suit made by the original maker means we shouldn't try to better understand what it is. That we should just accept it.

In fact, I would think the fact that it IS the original maker and yet strays from the original suits in a number of respects is all the more reason to be curious as to why that appears to be the case.

Also, seeing as it is from the original maker, wouldn't finding a perfect match to an original part be kind of cool?


Edit: By crappy I meant poopy. As in too bad, but understandable. Someone PMed suggesting I was saying GH's help was crappy. Quite the contrary. He has been an enormous boon and I appreciate his contribution to this thread above all others. I just wanted to clarify that in case any one else made the same mistake. :)
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