Older Images/Attachments can't be viewed.


Well-Known Member
I just joined to start work on a Time Bandits Map. I bought a Map from jheilman.
Well I got the map this weekend & went into the Archive thread to print out the weathering tutorial to start working on it & I can't see any of the images in the thread. They were attachments & they are listed at the bottom of the post but the links are bad. I am assuming that this is due to the board software change.

Will this or can this be fixed? I am a little frustrated having spent $100 on this map & now I can't use the tutorial that got me excited about it in the first place.

(I have noticed this problem in a number of threads, not just this one.)


Attachments are tricky to transfer over (and in most cases, unfeasible), but if you can point me to the thread, or provide me with a name, we may be able to help you in this case.
Our overworked archive mod will have to go in and fix all the picture links. Again. Understandably, no one wants his job...