NS Sontaran Rifle


Sr Member
Anyone have any info./ better shots of the Sontaran Rifle they wouldn't mind sharing, from the last couple of Doctor Who Episodes.


Any info. greatfully received.

There were some photos of this online somewhere, but I couldn't find them. I was searching for the "Bone Jack" gun from Blade Trinity, and found photos of that gun. I'm sorry I can't find them, but they ARE out there! Don't give up!
i swear this shop near my house sells this exact gun (or something alot like it) i will try to investigate. It was a while ago so they may not stock them anylonger.
sorry guys. they didnt have any of the toy guns at that shop. but im almost certain ive seen this exact toy before. im sure this was an off the shelf prop.
The barrel area reminds me a lot of a toy sci-fi blaster I bought some time ago as a donor for a future blaster-build.

The toy I'm thinking of was either Phantom Menace Battledroid blaster rip-off or very influenced by it, and made irritating noises each time the trigger was pulled, one sound effect each time, which cycled round. It also had a red light or lights inside the barrel which lit up when it 'fired' and seeing this happen on the Sontaran props on Dr Who Confidential immediately made me think of this toy..

I'll have a root around but I'm not sure I kept it I'm afraid, but it's a lead you could follow..

sorry guys. they didnt have any of the toy guns at that shop. but im almost certain ive seen this exact toy before. im sure this was an off the shelf prop.
Hey Zuzus, thanks for trying. I'm sure I've seen something similar too (one of my reasons for starting this thread) but I can't for the life of me remember where, if anyone else has any ideas???????
