NEWS FLASH! District 9 exosuit available for pre-order!

Some paint retouches to add more of that "Alien Tech/Weaponry" flavor.


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Nice work. But holy cow, it's really a pretty good paint job fresh from the factory, isn't it? I wasn't expecting it to be that good. Can't wait to receive mine...
You know what I think is awesome? People that LOVE their statues and post 100 high rez images of it online in every angle imaginable! Beautiful piece thx!!

Haha, good news its also crazy complex so probably no recasts any time soon! :lol

Couldn't agree more - thank you for all this, thx!!
Nice work. But holy cow, it's really a pretty good paint job fresh from the factory, isn't it? I wasn't expecting it to be that good. Can't wait to receive mine...

Looks great THX217!!


Thanks Nwerke, Tim.

Yes, the piece looks great as it is. The factory paint job is surprisingly good. You'll love it, Nwerke.

Here're couple of fun shots. :D

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Gawd. So nice. Mine's probably been sitting at work all week, and me unable to pick it up. Even my wife - works in the same building as me - is off work with flu, now. Sheesh. Hope it's safe.

You know the only thing I wish? I wish they'd kept the variants of the guns built for the original, smaller exo-suit. Black and orange versions of the AR and AG, and the AR had a larger magazine. Would have gone perfectly with the colour scheme of the final exo-suit.

I'm really tempted to retouch mine...not screen-accurate, but I suspect I don't care. :D
Got mine Monday, unpacked it Tuesday.

SO unbelievably nice. Just about had an aneurysm over it. I was wrong before though, there is another down side - you can't get the gloat factor of having built it up and painted it yourself. A kit of this thing, in this scale, would be just about the dishiest kit of anything ever, for mine. I so freakin' want to build one! Honestly, it's like a craving. Am I alone in this? I want to eat this thing, it's that good! :D
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