NEWS FLASH! District 9 exosuit available for pre-order!

While I personally wouldn't buy the exo-suit (only because I don't collect statues or maquettes), seeing this thing in person is jaw-dropping and to me, considering the prices a company like SIdeshow asks on some of their pieces and then looking at the Weta Exo-skeleton, the $500-$600 price tag seems VERY reasonable.... but the other factor for me is that I don't care about edition size and edition size would never weigh in as a buying factor for me where it might for others.
I don't like to weigh up pieces based on their value, or consider selling before I've even bought, but if you decided to sell on a piece, edition size becomes important.

600 is still a very low edition size. And the piece looks really detailed...
It is VERY detailed. I don't think I got better pics than Weta already has on its own site, but I took a ton of pics at the show of the Exo Suit.

Weta - a set on Flickr

The coolest thing to me is that the right arm is composed of the Arc Generator and the Chrisopher Johnson rifle attached back to back to the outside of the arm!
It is VERY detailed. I don't think I got better pics than Weta already has on its own site, but I took a ton of pics at the show of the Exo Suit.

Weta - a set on Flickr

The coolest thing to me is that the right arm is composed of the Arc Generator and the Chrisopher Johnson rifle attached back to back to the outside of the arm!
Wonder if we can expect to see a price drop on these guys.
Yeah, this piece is amazing! David Tremont did an incredible job!! I had to pre-order one to go with my Assault Rifle!

The design came from the CG Model and you don't get much better than that! The detail and design are both top notch! :thumbsup

Yeah, this piece is amazing! David Tremont did an incredible job!! I had to pre-order one to go with my Assault Rifle!

The design came from the CG Model and you don't get much better than that! The detail and design are both top notch! :thumbsup

FB[bought a guardian predator and hope to sell it so I can have money for the assault rifle, or mech suit
Knowing the work that Dave T. put into this, I think that is more than a fair price.

Tremont is a superb modelmaker, but the cost of developing the masters is a business cost like any other. Would you say the same if, say, the new injection 1/24 Mosquito was priced at $600? There was probably even more work put in by the development team on that.

Or are you saying he put in SO much work that paying him is the dominant factor in the final product's pricing? :lol
I ordered it, but I had to think about it for a bit.
Unlike with the Assault Rifle, which was pretty much instinctive and compulsory.

I ordered two ARs. It was an accident, but then I thought hell, I'll go with that. I can convert one to the SMG version, if Weta don't produce one themselves. If they do, I have a spare AR to eBay. I figure I can pay for it all if I sell my body on the streets or something. :p

But I've got limits and the price/size ratio of the exo comes up hard against them. It's flawless and beautiful and I want one so bad it hurts, but it's a couple of hundred beyond what I'd pay at that size.

Would have loved a kit, but a Hot Toys would be even better (guaranteed bigger). And it sounds like the kind of thing that might come along in four or five years.

I keep trying to pre-order, then freezing. Guess I'll wait this one out. :cry
I really want it I guess I will pre-order one and figure out how im going to be shelling out 500.00 for the AR and then 600.00 for the mech... **** my life! too bad hot toys wont crank a fully articulated one with an opening chest cavity with all the wires exposed on the inside and wikus's half mutated upper body would be visible aswell :]
Um no! Jester, the 1/24 Mosquito has more than six hundred and seventy parts. It's more than comparable.

Re getting the suit, it's been pointed out to me that with *four* 1:1 guns on the way, I'm gonna have a few Weta dollars to can see where this is going right? :D
Unfortunately I was stopped from borrowing the Exosuit at SDCC but I just got a notification that mine is about to be shipped!!


You know what I think is awesome? People that LOVE their statues and post 100 high rez images of it online in every angle imaginable! Beautiful piece thx!!

Haha, good news its also crazy complex so probably no recasts any time soon! :lol
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