Hello everyone! New to this forum and prop making. I've been scanning this forum for about a week and I have to tell ya, I'm so intrigued by what you guys/gals do and the talent you all have. I think I've found a second home and hopefully a new hobby (if I have the talent & time) thanks to you all. I would like to try out making my first prop but I need a little direction from you talented artists. I would like to know where to look about book binding. Maybe some place to show me how I can do it myself or a company that can do it and not be too expensive. Also need to know what supplies I would need to make a prop book (real or faux leather cover, glue, paper etc.). One more thing...I would like to find out how I could get a design drawn up in some 3d program and a place where I can get the design proto made. Don't want to be a bother to anyone but you have any info or tips that could help, I'd really appreciate it. I look forward to seeing everyones new projects and hopefully someday soon contributing help & my work to everyone.