New Kapowee Thompson "Pulse Rifle worthy?"


Sr Member
Hi all,
For any Pulse Rifle enthusiasts out there, I just saw that Kapowee is selling a new M1A1 Thompson. It's either their own brand, or made by "Cyber Gun" or something like that. It may be old news, but I just stumbled across it earlier today.
Anyone know how it would compare to say, a TM Tommy gun?
They don't show any pics of the right side of the gun, but it doesn't have the charging handle on top, so I'm assuming it's on the right side like it should be for a Pulse Rifle.

Just wondering.
It looks like a proper M1A1 to me. Hell, as soon as I have the money, I'll probably try and get one for my PR kit.
Kapowwe is just a retailer, they don't manufacture anything they sell. The new Thompson is a TM clone that I believe costs less than half as much if you get it from the right seller. Yes, pulse rifle ready, and I'm positive is going to take a chunk out of TM's sales and maybe they'll lower thier prices a bit now that they no longer corner the "thompson for a pulse rifle" market.

And my understanding is they work great in a G&P shroud Gl kit.
Coz, thanks for that link!
It sure looks like the right model. I'll definitely be checking into prices on this baby.
I was actually just looking at a few minutes ago. Good price! With shipping to the U.S. though, it's only a few dollars less than the price from Kapowee's site.
I saw another site last night that had it for around $90.00. But they ship from Hong Kong, and the shipping was close to $70.00.
Hey guys I would love to hear about any reputable sellers you come up with that have a better deal on these...:) I am just not that experienced with buying AS online.